I've lived on the street i have been all my life.
seen people come and go. Had a lot of good stuff and bad stuff. But now a days it's all bad.
We have slum lords buying houses to rent them out to boarders just for $$ and the houses look like crap. The landlord doesn't care who he rents to, just need to pay up. We had people run animal hospitals in that house. ASCPA come and go through the house in suits. Some animals were taken out in carrying cages...others in garbage bags, of deceased animals. It was sad.
We also had a cop live across the street who was horrible. he'd park his mustang in front of our house for a whole month. Didn't even move it when we had street sweeping. He never got a ticket. One thing that is horrible is parking. Landlords rent out to soo many people there's no where to park! Each tenant has like 2-3 cars. Then they take up 2 spots per car!
We have a handicap spot outside our house now. I've seen people take advantage of it. One lady parked there and walked 2 blocks back to her house on street sweeping day. Another guy parked his $50,000 car there so it wouldn't get a scratch. He had to walk 3 houses down to poker night. My dad has trouble walking, which is why we got it.
I'm just tired of greedy people who rent out 2 family houses to 3 - 4 families.
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