It's just past two o'clock in the morning at my camp, and I can't sleep, so I've been doing some serious thinking.
It occured to me that although I have lived one thousand lives, and have approximately fifty-thousand years under my wing, I am still just fourteen. I have the mind or an adult, a old wise man, and yet I use that as a child would. A very intelligent child.
If I thought like an adult, then that would be a bad thing. Adults think in set lines, they are less adaptable and creative and couldn't possibly think up all the things a child could, even though most of children come up with is absurd.
Were I any normal teenager I would have lost the ability to think like a child very long ago. At this point in time I would be purely driven by hormones and girls, and worry about insignificant things like acne and whether I should ask someone out on a date. By the time I was twenty I would still be worrying about girls and getting laid. I would go out on Fridays and Saturdays and get wasted, probably going home with some girl I thought was good looking but was actually an old hag, and waking up next to her the following morning as sick as a dog and with considerably less brain cells.
By the time I was thirty I'd probably still be single, stuck in a crappy job and living with my mother, if she was still alive. By forty I'd have an ugly wife and an ugly child and still have that same job that I hate. I would have moved out of my mother's into a cramped little house.
When I was sixty my children would have grown up and left and I would have started to get a bit old. By seventy I would be very frail, leeching health care and other resources and generally being very useless, and I'd be dead by eighty.
This cycle of complete human waste is pathetic. Not to mention that our countries' leaders send us blindly into war over the smallest offence, and that there is general unrest in most Middle Eastern and Asian countries, with rebellions and terrorist organizations popping up everywhere. All of a sudden we're all manufacturing weapons of mass destruction that have the potential to kill thousands of innocent, although useless people, and destroy most of the planet's eco system.
The gods are not doing anything about, all the research I have done points to the fact that they do not even care if their greastest creations kill the planet, making it unliveable for anything whatsoever. They will just move on to a new lump of dirt, and recreate humans all over again, although perhaps using rats, rather than apes as their human base-genes.
This is why I must become a god, to challenge the other gods about their decisions and get humans back in line. Even if that requires sacrificing millions of people, as along as the human race is once again doing what it was designed for, and breaking the cycle of uselessness, I shall be content.
The reason I have the mind of a child is because every very wise old man does have the mind of a child, they know how to think productively, and I am a very, very old man.
![]() Brodie Asturias Community Member ![]() |