Yeah I know I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd take a little break in the middle of class. It's the second to last day so no one will mind. I already finished the final test and I gotta say after a rough start I'm actually feeling pretty good about it. Whoo so I'm mostly done w/ my Adobe Photoshop class and I'll be starting Adobe Illustrator on Wed. blaugh Now after everything is said and done I would like to say that yes I now know a lot more about photoshop than I did before, but I'm not ashamed to say I have a whole lot more to learn, 3nodding
Oh and I finally got a cellphone, yay! 4laugh But this morning I forgot it at home on the way to school. sweatdrop Still not quite used to actually having one and needing to carry it w/ me so I guess that's how that happend. rolleyes It could be worse at least I know where it is. Now hopefully the cats won't eat it before I get home. Mew 3nodding -Mrow twisted They have a habit of destroying things when no ones looking.
Well I'll probably post more this week as it happens.
This is Yume Awaranai- signing off.
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"Nosce te ipsum" (Know thy self) --Latin Proverb
I tend to get distracted by shiny objects and wander away, so please quote me if you'd like to get my attention.[/color:ba176895f2]
yum_strawberry yum_tea yum_strawberry
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![]() Phenfox Flamel Community Member ![]() |
Kain Tycho Draygon
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*shrugs* What, I don't know where that came from. Did you know you need a PS1 memory card to save PS1 data, even on a PS2? Yeah, it won't work with a PS2 memory card. Yeah, I didn't know that. Also, did you know that FFVIII, the game Chaos let me borrow? Yeah, it's PS1.
*sigh* I'm sorry hon, I really have no idea why I'm still typing. *smiles wryly and chuckles* Hey, I have ADD, and lots of other crap wrong with me. You knew that when you entered this relationship. You knew what this was. *LOL*
Anyway, I love you, good luck with your class, and we have free mobile-to-mobile, so feel free to call at anytime. And wish me luck! I may bring my camera phone, just to make a log of my trip. Actually, that's a good idea.