Well this weekend has been a time of messing w/ different styles for many different things. In the gaming aspect of my life I'm now playing my Darkelven Warden. Because both my friends know the Freeport missions and area so well they got me through the Newbie island and the first and a half of the first to adventure zones in just a day. Playing mostly on my own in Qeynos I didn't even finish the Newbie island before I left and I don't even know if I finished any of the first two adventure zones for Qeynos. So now my Halfelven Paladin is level 19 and my Darkelven Warden is level 13.
The main thing I want to discuss however is the actual feel of the 2 classes. Wardens are Priest class and while they can fight they're not meant to tank and I don't even know what it's like to solo as them yet seeing as my friends were with me the whole time I was playing. They come w/ a ton of buffs and healing spells as well as several types of roots and snare spells. I think they could probably sollo well since they can use the buffs on themselves and the roots would slow enemies down. But I just don't know for sure.
Also I'm finding that after playing as a fighter type I kinda miss being able to dive right into the thick of battle and really holding my own on the front lines. the classes seem to be ordered in the position they should be on the battle field: Fighters right in front of the enemy, priests right behind them, then Mages right behind them and scout behind the enemy for a nice little sneak attack.
When I was playing my paladin I had fewer spells to keep track of and I could just slash away maybe throwing in a heal my friends' way. As a Warden I have to be more conscious not only of my own health but that of my friends since I can't just kill the enemies before they do damage. It's not better or worse it's just different and it takes getting used to. I think once I get more familiar w/ the playstyle for Wardens I'm gonna like it even more. But for now I still have my Pally, so if I feel the need to just senslessly beat something like a good fighter should I can indulge myself playing as her. wink
Oh on a side note today I'm currently working on an assignment for school using Illustrator and I'm learning about just what the difference is between using a Mac for art vs. a PC. Wish me luck this baby is due on Monday after the lunch break.
-Yume signing off.
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