Yeah, don't mind the name. xD;; I'm just a little crazy today. Despite messing up so badly at Steven's party, 'The Group' never fails to cheer me up. I'm not technically apart of the Group, but I hang out with some of the people in it, and as long as I can do that personally I don't care.
... Although, naturally I still sulked. What's-his-name ( I know, I'm nice... xD;; ) kept saying I looked really tired. I wasn't really tired, just sad. Anyways, I forget his name... He was at the mall with Carly and Danika. We saw them there because I went to the mall yesterday with Steven, Gabby, and Jordan. We spent most of the time seperated from them anyways... They bought fish. O_o I was a little uncomfortable around them because I got the feeling they didn't like/care for me very much. I'm probably right.
The most fun part was when we had to walk back to Steven's house. xD I like prancing around outside as long I'm in the appropriate clothing, and this time thankfully I was. Poor Jordan had to endure my hyperness and sound effects as I jumped over fences and dashed like a madman. xD We went to Jordan's house and his little brother kept clinging to me and Gabby. I think his little brother is going to grow up to be a pervert... Well at least we know he's not gay.
Gabby found a snake! xD It was so cute. We tried to find out what type it was. I thought it was a red racer but naturally I was sorely mistaken. At least I didn't think it was a garter snake like Steven. Hah. x3
So at Steven's house everyone except me worked on Jordan's fish project, and I just jumped around yelling "I wanna go outside!" every five seconds. They kept saying, "After we're done the fish!" But we didn't end up going outside anyways. Jordan kept latching onto me and getting me to drag him around the room on a wheelie chair. O_o;; He also kept petting my head, which I endured with a very sour face.
Gabby tried to call 'him' and get him to come over, but he was a hockey game. Chances are he wouldn't of come anyways. Well, in any case, Jordan had to leave first, and I was like, "Noooooooo" and clung to his feet. xD Partly out of laziness since it was the closest thing to me ( I was on the floor ) and Gabby was yanking at his hair wondering how it'd look in braids, but since he left she did mine instead which I took out anyways.
So he left, and Gabby and Steven pounced on me and claimed that he liked me. They were all, "Oh, Jordan likes you. It's so easy to tell." ... I don't know about that. O_o;; Didn't him and Ricky himself just fight tooth and nail for that girl ( Beth I think ) ? Well, it's not my claimings anyways...
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These are the records of certain occurrences and musings in my life. It is probably not of much importance to you, unless you enjoy being a sleuth or have some vague interest in listening to me prattle about my flavour-of-the-month.
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