OK, here's part one of my story called the convent chronicles. Hope you enjoy, remember this is a first for me so it won't be too great but I'll try not to make it too bad.
Chapter one: Peaceful passionate
-"Oh Mom, please don't make me go. I'll be all alone, I won't know anybody. I don't want to go." Selena stood shaking with tears flowing down her face holding the receiver. She stood in her room, covered in blue wallpaper and filled with posters of famous dancers and on a glass shelf, there were many statuettes of ballerinas.
-"Honey, we have talked this over and over. I have made my decision and I'm not coming back on it. You are to go to the convent for a year because I want my girl to learn her manners and become loyal to God. You'll will not be alone, there will be plenty of girls with you. Now, start packing your clothes, Uncle Wayne will pick you up tomorrow and drop you off at the convent. Understood?"
-"Yes mama." When her mother started talking in that tone, it meant she was really annoyed and would not come back on her decision. Selena put down the receiver and and sat on her bed, glancing at her room. Her dream was to become a great ballet dancer and at this moment, her dreams had crumbled. Instead, she was to go to the convent to learn proper manners.
Reluctantly, she began to pack her things because if there was something worst than hearing her mother's annoyed look, it was to see her mother at that time. Selena started to pack her posters and statues but then remembered that it was best she forgot about dance for she was never going to be a dancer. She packed black clothes that her mother had chosen for her and secretly packed a blue dress. I'll wear it sometime, she thought. After having packed her precious possessions, there were only a few, Selena took her luggage and carried it downstairs.
The next morning it rained. It fit perfectly the mood in which Selena was. Dressed in her raincoat, she went down to the yellow cab waiting outside her house, put her luggage in the trunk and sat in the car without saying hello to her uncle. Her uncle was a short man but surprisingly slim if you saw the amount of food he ate at supper. Her forehead pressed against the cold window, Selena watched the raindrops falling on her window. The cab turned onto the highway and with a last glance to her house, Selena whispered: " Goodbye dancing. Hello Convent. Here I come!".

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