First of all I'll begin with my trip to Toronto. It was awsome!The part of Toronto that we were in was absolutely beautiful. My highlights of the day were:
-Drinking coffee
-Trying the very awsome Starbuck's Peppermint Hot Chocolate!
-Browsing a big market inside the buliding
-Watching Of Mice and Men
-Shopping in a 3 story, 2 blocks long mall. I think it was called the "Eaton's Center"
-Getting Love Hina 12
-Subway YUM!
-Watching "Story of my Life" Musical. Wasnt as great. Made me cry though!
-Eating Mcdonalds at 12:00pm
-Getting Home and Sleeping
I had so much fun and I won't forget that field trip!
Other than that, I don't have very much too talk about. I know my Semi-Formal is nearing, and I dont know if I want to go or not. I would, but I need a date for it. Lol
Oh also me and my buddy Kyle were having fun on msn:

My msn icon is the bottom right corner, while his hovers over top. The dinosaur thing was alot of fun!
So that's all for today. More maybe tomorrow.