Zack used to have a Frilled Dragon and an Argentine Black & White Tegu. I geuss what scientisits missed was that Tegus try to eat other lizards! From everything I've read no one has ever mentioned Tegus going after lizards. Well I'm sitting down watching a movie (my life) and Zack is vaccuming his room (his life) and then we heard a scambling noise that sounds like someones loose running around going after something. I yell for Zack he shuts off the vaccum and hears it. We race into the reptile room (all of our reptile's are in there) and see the Tegu chasing the poor Frilled Dragon all over the place trying to eat him! I dart after Darwin (Frilled Dragon) and Zack nabs Zola (Tegu). Tegus are huge, and Zola was about three foot at the time and poor Darwin was only a foot long. Zack throws Zola in her enclosure quickly, she was trying to bite him the whole time. I put Darwin in a container stunned becuase he just stood there with his frill sticking out and his mouth opened. He wasn't hurt but Zola scared the crap out of him. He stayed in that position for one hour no joke!

Poor baby!