If you want an avi in my anime style please let me know I have 3 slots open at the moment
Click Here for some examples
Prices are as goes
Face - 200g
1/2 Body - 300g
Full Body - 500g
Chibi - 1k (friend is on vacation at the moment do not ask for this till this sentence is removed)
2 avis in one (you and a friend) - 1.5k
Multiple Avis (3-4) - 2k
Animated Gif -2.5k ( this could be fast animated drawing, flashing words, etc) Program is acting funny will tell you when you can order this one)
Please let me know through PM
You will trade payment first then URL will be given to ensure payment is done for work, DO NOT WORRY I DO NOT RIP PEOPLE OFF...I'M NOT THAT HEARTLESS
For those with extra COOL ITEMS (you know which whee ) if you like to donate them to me I will GLADLY accept, make it a gift if you like my art ( plus.....I WOULD KISS YOUR a**...in GAIA not real life...lol....)
wahmbulance Check the forum frequently for updates to see if the slots are open or taken wahmbulance
domokun Note* Please do not rush if you want your art to come out good...Never rush an artist. Art takes time...(friend said that)
(Tips are HIGHLY appreciated, hint hint xd )
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