-Amy Lee
Every person holds their own glass rose. So very fragile and protected, until it's broken. Its pieces held together by your own emotions, until you fall apart. If you let something take over your mind, you'll lose all hope entirely. You lose your grip on all that is so very fragile. When you emotionally hurt somebody, you are destroying the beauty they have in their hands, with just your words. You can let slip many awful things, and leaving marks that can't be erased; like knives. A seething burn, harder to control. So, think next time you decide to break somebody: Do you really want to destroy them inside?
I've been there, in both places. I'll admit saying things that might have been very painful. I've been broken so many times, but for some reason put back together again. Even now, I'm here, picking up pieces of my rose, and trying to put it together just like I put together all my emotions and try to find the person I want to be. I want more than anything, to be good. Although it's clearly impossible, with the peer pressure of today's style and all that, I still think it's worth a try. I lie everyday because I don't know how to react. I can't be who I am in reality around other people, because they just hate me this way, or think I'm weird. If I try to say how I feel about things, I'll only get, "Oh, stop talking like that." or, "I hate it when you get like this." You know who you are. I don't like being told that because it just tells me that I have no worth around other people. Even if I am still here, I feel lost and emotionless. It's like I just suddenly let a fake spirit take over. I hate it, because then I know I'm losing another piece of my rose, somewhere in the world.
Although a glass rose is a little strange to compare things too, I found it a perfect subject. It actually came from an images I saw of a glass rose, and it just made me feel happy. If you can be happy with yourself, you're one step closer to repairing your rose, whether you're alone, or if somebody's sitting besides you, picking up pieces that belong to you.
This is actually almost the exact image, only with a size difference and a few details: