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View User's Journal

poetic corner
My poems
Loving You, Loving Me
As we walk along the moonlit beach
Watching and listening to the waves gently roll in
Underneath the vast, clear star- filled sky
We stop and stare into each other’s eyes,
I lean down, gently kissing you and take you into my arms.

We start to dance, slowly moving from side to side,
But all of a sudden we stop.
I carefully lift up your face from my broad chest,
Then I tell you how much I love you.
You reply by telling me that you love me as well and always will.

It’s just then that I kiss your forehead and take your hand,
We begin to walk again and find a place to sit.
As we sit, we talk for hours,
It seems like we’d only been there for minutes
Then we see the sun peeking over the horizon,
We watch the sun rise and then go out to breakfast
Thus starting another new, beautiful day together.

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