it's the year 2007 already... sad to say goodbye to everything i had successfully done over the past years... it was very memorable, cuz i had experienced a lot & had learned new things.. pain, disappointment, regret, confusion, anger, madness, wrath, shyness, bored, lose control, disgusted, anxious, sweetness, love, loneliness, happiness, glee, joy, and tears had come... awwww... so teary-eyed... bye bye now!!! new year & new challenge... never gonna give up!!! yatta ne!!! ^_^
biggrin heart wink whee cry rolleyes razz
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The Feelings.. I ought to show..
hEY therE! herE's My joUrnAl!! fEel frEE to rEad thEm anD poSt yoUr coMmentS if yOu liKe. i WouLd RealLy aPprecIate it.. In my joUrnal lieS evEry fEelings i Had anD the ExpErienceS i oUght To sHare in evEry daY... coNtinuIng mY liFe chaPter ... hOpE
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Happy New Year 2 you as well 3nodding