...All around me there was nothing but white, the color of all, the color of none, the pure color of impurities. I was trapped here with no way to contact the outside world. No one knew where I was and there was no way to tell them. I was trapped here with no way to tell how much time had passed, was it days? years? centuries? millennia? I had no idea as I constantly tumbled through this timeless nightmare, oh if only it was a nightmare! For then there would be the hope of waking up and realizing it was just a dream, but this was no dream, this was real. Many times I've tried to wake up and find myself in my room, in my bed, with my head resting on the feathery pillows and myself buried under the warm blankets and to be able to look out the window and see the snow that was falling at the last moment that I can recall on earth, but alas, this was no dream, and slowly and painfully my body transformed into that of some kind of demon or monster.
My skin became crimson scales and ivory spines sprouted along my spine and newly formed tail. My nails formed into razor sharp claws and my teeth serrated fangs in a dragon-like snout. Oh what have I done to deserve such torment? I had become a monster on the outside and I feared I would lose my mind and truly become a monster.
Then it happened, it felt as though something was pulling at my very essence. With a crazed mind I fought it at first, then something flashed through my mind, an image of some far-off world. Somehow it felt so very familiar. Creatures laughed and threw balls of something white, it was as white as this place was, but unlike here the white wasn't everywhere, and these creatures - they must have been gods of some kind for they were actually able to touch the white. I held on to this image in wonder and the pull at my being became even stronger. I finally gave into it and the whiteness around me became a blur of every color ever imaginable and then some. These colors suddenly rushed past me then just as suddenly swirled around me, leaving me with a sense of vertigo as I ran into something that seemed solid, yet gave way slightly.
I heard something like the laughter of the gods in the image I had seen earlier and opened my eyes. All I could see was white and at first I thought it was maybe yet another thing to torment me but then I realized it wasn't the same kind of white, it was...cold, and it seemed to...to shine.
My mind somehow knew the words to describe it yet I still couldn't recall how. All I could remember was what seemed to be a painful eternity of nothing but slowly transforming and tumbling through the whiteness. I looked up and stared right into the eyes of one of the "gods." No, humans, I corrected myself and became even more confused as this sense of familiarity washed over me once more, even stronger than it had before, but still I couldn't figure out why.
This...this place felt so familiar, like...like... I struggled to find the right word...it felt like...home. Confusion washed over me again, drowning out the sense of familiarity as I then realized that I was lying completely still, no longer tumbling endlessly, and I felt numb with cold, no longer feeling the agonizing pain of transforming. I tore my gaze from the human's and looked around. Above me was nothing but blue and a bright orb of white, too bright to look at. "Was that where I came here from?" I wondered and the words seemed to have come from outside of my mind as I heard them. The human laughed, adding to my confusion, then I realized I had spoken the words aloud. The human stopped laughing and I continued my survey of the world around me. The blue expanse above me was the "sky" and the orb the "sun," I remembered, and those tall swaying structures were "trees." That funny-looking creature running about on four legs with a curved furry tail was a "dog."
I continued this naming of creatures and objects for some time as I sat up before I realized that something else felt different. I no longer could feel my tail, nor could I feel my scales rub together as I moved. I looked down at my hands, my claws and crimson scales were gone, replaced by pale, soft flesh. In disbelief I looked to see if this skin had replaced all of my scales. A long dark sleeve covered my arm and a similar fabric covered the rest of my body, but still I knew that I had changed again, I was human again... Wait... again? Could this be true? Was I human once?
The memories rushed back to me, and realization struck... The torment of that empty world... was it truly over? Was I really saved from it? I looked over at the person sitting next to me, Who was this person? I did not know, but I was sure that they were the one who had brought me back home, back to earth. Then it hit me, this couldn't be the same time, the same year as when I had been cast into that world. I opened my mouth to ask but the person before me put a finger to my lips and shook their head, a somber expression on their face.
I was sure of it then, this wasn't the same year, probably not even the same era judging by the things I couldn't recognize, but still, anything, anytime was better than being back in that empty, painful world that had tried to erase all of my memories of my home and any trace of humanity in me by turning me into a monster. The world that was white as snow and just as quiet, yet not nearly as peaceful or relaxing. It was the world of monsters.
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Er...Take Two?
I'll try writing about something that is slightly not boring... ;>_>
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[i:ee19cceba6]When time stands still, a moment lasts,[/i:ee19cceba6][/color:ee19cceba6]
[b:ee19cceba6]Approaching lightspeed.[/b:ee19cceba6][/color:ee19cceba6][/size:ee19cceba6]
[b:ee19cceba6]Approaching lightspeed.[/b:ee19cceba6][/color:ee19cceba6][/size:ee19cceba6]