Warrior Cats Newsletter
Issue #3
Hello, just another little newsletter from me. We've had quite a few members join last month and I'm pleased to announce that the guild has made it to 1000 posts. Yay! The RP has been doing well thanks to all who RP regularily there and make it such an interesting story. Speaking of the story, for those who aren't aware, we now have another clan in our midst. You can check out MoonClan in their new thread, already it has lots of warriors and I think they'll recover well after the fight they're had driving their old leader out with help from Waterclan. The exciting battle is over, but with the Full Moon coming up, we'll see how the other two clans deal with having a new clan in their area. To find out and to help make it interesting, you can start RPing in the clans and contribute to the story. There are a lot of members that have characters but aren't RPing. (Most of them won't have signed up for this newsletter either but oh well.) Anyway, thank you for being in the guild and it's great to watch it grow. It's only been a few months yet I've already found some friends and some people that RP a lot in the guild and I feel like we're actually forming a clan with the friendships we're making.
Another quick reminder though, the Cat Lover's Subforum still isn't getting a whole lot of 'business'. It doesn't take that much time to go and post a cat picture. There is a game there that I see people are playing and please feel free to post your own cat-related topics there too. I would love for that tiny area of the guild to grow like the rest of the guild has.
Well, I'll let you go, please keep posting in the guild and I'm excited to see where the RP lands us next, Bye!

Welcoming New Members to the Guild Last Month:
Rikka Shiro
Lady Adelaide
Kaolla__ Su
Cat Picture of the Month: (posted by members)

Cat Saying of the Month:
"People that hate cats will come back as mice in their next
life." - Faith Resnick

Well, thank you for reading this and I hope you all enjoy the guild!