yes, yes...I'm jumping onto the bandwagon and creating my OC page XD;
hmm well, just so that it's easier for ppl whom I commission to look at the chara references... so let's get on with it~! ^^/

Gender : female
Age : 24 years old
Status/Sexual preference : single/ ??
Height : 160cm
Weight : 51kg
Physical Description
Pale skin, greenish blue eyes, light blonde hair, 3 earring on her right ear. Her outer appearance looks as if she's only in her late teens (about 18 or 19) Slim but not too thin (she has MUSCLES yes xD but not THAT muscular though) and uh... kinda manly hands biggrin
Happy go lucky and playful girl/woman most of the times. However, she can be serious and acts her age when needed. She may even appears to be ruthless towards her enemies. Loyal and responsible. To those in needs she can be quite a motherly figure.
Main Storyline
(Her storyline ties with Schey's in some part)
When Schey, her cousin, left their hometown, she decided to follow her father's footsteps and joined the army. After a series of successful missions and raise in rank, she's currently requesting a time off from the army obligation to search for Schey.
Extra Notes
She's a berserker just like her father and the necklace pendant that she always wears is the medium to control her power/sanity mumbo-jumbo.
With Schey (after she cuts her hair)
headshot reference
Her eye colour reference
her uniform rough design