Hey everyone...!!! Sorry about the really short journals its just that my life has been busy! Anyway there is so much drama at school! Well two girls like me that I know of and they don't know that I know and its just fun to watch them get in cat fights over me lol. Also guys I will be starting something new in my Journal and will be called " Stories of Our Lives" and there will also be another storie coming up soon called " Blue"! Well I guess its time to talk about my life. I think today I'll put my feelings in a different way smile
You had a bad day. You're popular, you know you have all you want but your just not happy. For me its that way. Its not that way all the time smile . I love to laugh and other things that are happy! BUt in a way its just that certain feeling when you know everyone loves you but u just want to be alone. Not emo alone but just by your self anjoying the quietness....Thats how i feel! But Im happy lol this is a really bad journal isn't it you know i think ill re write this one smile its hard to put my emotions into words but im sure that my budds understand smile
and for all you journal critics todays advice is: when you're judging someones journal keep in mind that this is a personal journal so don't be too harsh and remember to also judge by the topic not of what you think! smile
WoAh_DuDe · Wed Feb 28, 2007 @ 06:48pm · 1 Comments |