HE is Big Boi. (Now known as Mac ._. )
He was my favouritestest dog that I would ever have. gonk My gooble I luffed him T-T... I knew him ever since he was born ^-^.. <3, and this is f** had to come and take him away. Keh. So now he's in Texas. Well, I was uber sad after that, and well, the subject came up of painting my room, and I had this little "painting" I did of him on one side of my wall, I loved it <33. But then, I moved out of that shack, and now in another shack xDD.. sucks yes? D;
Onwards to meh day! ^0^ <333
Pretty good. I GOT A 100% ON MY STATISTICS TEST TODAY! xp Gawd I'm so freakin happy ;-;......... Not to mention that I bribed the teacher and sold her weed >_>; Kidding man xD. But yes, and I showed off my beautiful Center For The Arts certificate.. *sigh* Damn it's so beautiful xD. Art class was a bit of a bore -_-; I was finishing up my surrealistic drawing, and I just got tired of it, and slacked off xD.. so then I started my lil pottery thing.. can't remember what it's called e_e'' But that's about it :3...
ninja .. One tiny note for Chrissy.. >.>.. YOU ARE PRETTY! xp Lets see if she reads this.. xd
Music: "Must Be Dreamin" -Frou Frou
</3 .: Rina :. <3
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