*What is your special place? Write to your teacher telling him or her why it is your special place.
*If your house were to burn down and you could safely retrieve an item or two before you leave (and all your necessities were packed in a night bag ready to go), what would you take?
*The local businesses have recently account that all high school workers must have a "B" grade-point average. Write to your local newspaper editor for the newspaper audience to read.
I was actually thinking of retyping my answer to my 3rd prompt and sending it into the Columbian. Out of all of them I think my first or third one turned out best. I was going to mock the first prompt and say my special place was the bathroom (bubble baths and good smelling soap galore). You have everything you need except food. biggrin But then I decided against it. They would probably glare at my paper and burn it up. *wince*
The last few days have been amazingly <b>nice</b>! It's so beautiful outside right now. I have my window open and I can smell FRESH GREEN GRASS! *sighs in happiness*
Recently, I got back into playing Gaia. So right now I'm dividing my time between homework, dance, writing, and Gaia. I'm currently questing for a winter rose! It costs 14K gold and with help from a few friends and charity threads, I currently have 13.5K gold. This is my goal:

The whole outfit costs around 150K. Dannnnggg.... That's a lot of posting. *wince*
If anyone is familiar with mule accounts on Gaia and using dual accounts using two browsers, let me know. My computer is a piece of molten rock and won't let me do anything. *sigh* Also if you have any old accounts you aren't going to use anymore, help me out! My Quest Thread
I just realized. Dance season for the year is almost over. *hyperventilates* I'm going to miss the team so much! Especially my senior captains. They've done so much for me and have taught me so much. Geeze, we've been through drama, tears, smiles, and cat fights. What other team can be more perfect?
Do I seem happy to you? This is the first day this week that I've gotten over five hours of sleep. Yeah. Good huh?
Complaints: I just turned in four mini essays and a big one that reflected on my project. My health teacher just assigned us another big essay (20 paragraphs in my case) on daily stress in our lives (emotional, work related, physical aspects, relationships, etc), how we could reduce the stress it ourselves, and how we could reduce the stress using professional methods. Yeah. Crazy. Pointless. I don't want to do it but I have to.
Thanks: ductapesuprhero for the proxy suggestion but I applied it to Tencent and it isn't working. angelss0 for her great charity thread and big donation towards my quest (1.5K). DarkxNeko for her big donation (1K).