About me: -edited-
well lets start with the basics shall we?
Name: Sabrina Jane
Age: take a guess
~i don't really have a nickname, people practically calls me anything they like
~i usually stick around in some guilds mainly at Pinoy Gaians Unite (PGU)
~i am a moderator in PGU :3
~i can be talkative but i usually space out and run out of words to say
~im usually happy at times i think? i tend to bypass problems through writing
~i can be a bit dorky sometimes
~im in love with candy and i often get Sugar High from them HYPEER
~pretty much random but i am serious when it comes to important matters
~i am a debater even though i don't look like it
~i am a member of the debate team of my school
~i also enjoy writing random blogs and ideas
~when im in a bad mood you'll easily notice it
~i enjoy online games and Play station games
~Persona 3 & fes
Absolute Fangirl~

and more ;D
Name: Sabrina Jane
Age: take a guess
~i don't really have a nickname, people practically calls me anything they like
~i usually stick around in some guilds mainly at Pinoy Gaians Unite (PGU)
~i am a moderator in PGU :3
~i can be talkative but i usually space out and run out of words to say
~im usually happy at times i think? i tend to bypass problems through writing
~i can be a bit dorky sometimes
~im in love with candy and i often get Sugar High from them HYPEER
~pretty much random but i am serious when it comes to important matters
~i am a debater even though i don't look like it
~i am a member of the debate team of my school
~i also enjoy writing random blogs and ideas
~when im in a bad mood you'll easily notice it
~i enjoy online games and Play station games
~Persona 3 & fes
Absolute Fangirl~

and more ;D
How I came to gaia?
like i said before my brother used to play gaia early '05
when fishing was the "thing" there were no battle system
and the Forums were more interesting.
in '06 i returned to gaia after meeting a friend in High School who was addicted to gaia
and is now known as an exchange whore cool I usually stay at CB and guilds.
i use my mule account sometimes. alucard069 is its name oh ~
as a cb'er i try to be friendly but if i hate your attitude i can be the biggest b***h you'll ever meet.
Before talking to me you must know
i hate twilight.
I can tolerate those non-die hard fans and to be honest I can respect your opinions
but I hate those who'll b***h about me and all of twilight's so-called-goodness

i want to burn that book and use it in my fireplace.
i don't hate it because there are too many worshipers.
I don't hate it because its over rated but because of the story itself.
im very picky with my books if you must know.
In fact im not really the best bookwork you'll find
I thought the plot was too 7-year old. love at first sight? sparkling vampire?
OOOH vampires are feared because they sparkle. yes.
I happen to be a fan of the history and true essence of vampires. (the real vampires)
next i will point out that the book was too basic for me,
it was about lust and not love. no basis of love at all,
it was the worst attempt to write a romeo and Juliet romance.
the story was simple let me draw a graft
"bella i have to leave you" --> "no edward" -->;
bella runs of to another man/ gets in trouble -->;
"bella i can't live without you" -->; "bella i have to leave you"
-->; and so on
I am a fan of yaoi, anime and manga.
so you want to discuss about animes im alright with that
but don't go all bitchy to me saying things like
i swear. its alright if we don't agree on the same fandom but
please don't diss me like that. its rude disrespectful and
it doesn't make you look smart or cool f*****t.
i do curse but i hate those who curse excessively
to make themselves sound cool or because they want to make a point.
sure its fine saying one curse but saying it like this
"**** you dipshit **** $%!#(!!" &_& riight
i don't like illiterate people and those who type in chatspeak.
i would not understand a word you will say.
i did not sign up for no0b lessons forgive me
also if your filipino i dislike AJEJEJE talk xp
yes i do avi art, check my latest journal entry for info.
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