A Masculine Positive Cardinal Fire sign
Polar or Opposite sign: Libra
Colour - Shades of red
Hot and fiery, you always like to be at the head of things
You will open your own doors. You are rather a pushover for flattery, if it has an honest base. Your loyalty in love is gigantic, as long as the sentiment remains. You are generous to a fault with your time and sympathy. But when it comes to love, you are downright stingy.
You think love is equal sharing. You admire strength and try to imitate it. You will throw away fame or fortune defiantly in the face of anyone who hurts a friend of yours.
You can be unreasonably temperamental, and create some violent scenes. But you never hold a grudge, seek revenge, and indulge in self-pity or bitterness.
You are demanding and passionate, and need an equally self-possessed lover to stimulate you. You can be fiercely loyal, yet self-centered at the same time. So your partner needs to exhibit confidence and know when to give you your space. The occasional bouts of temper exhibited by you are best dealt with if they are used as a prelude to a deeper understanding. You will stick with a relationship as long as it's hot, but if things start to cool down, it won't be long before you hit the road. The ideal Aries soul mate may be someone who is never dull.
What you should not do:
Don't be too possessive. Rest assured, your Aries lover will be faithful, but if you attempt to stifle his freedom, he will slip out of your grasp.
Don't try to get his attention by flirting with other men. Don't talk about ex-flames, either. Your Aries man will have a roving eve, but he belongs to you. Stooping down will only send him packing.
Don't be too critical of his friends. Give him the space he needs.
Don't dampen your Aries lover's enthusiasm. He is exuberant, and you have to pretend to cruise along, even if you are not interested. What is a little play-acting to make sure that your Aries man stays with you?
Don't play hard to get. This could prove fatal, as the Aries man will take it for rejection and go away.
You are gutsy and spirited, the go-getter of the zodiac. You like to hog the limelight and win! This quality might get you into a financial tight spot but invariably you manage to wriggle out of it. Very often, money to you is nothing more than the "currency" which will enable you to get what you want. Are you security conscious? You are not keen on the idea of a nest-egg. You live for the moment and do not believe in saving for a rainy day. You are also messy with repaying loans. The flip side of this is that if you have a couple of bucks on hand, you'd be more than happy to lend them.
You are a trendsetter, mind you. Your greatest pleasure lies in people taking note of the clothes you wear. And if they wish their wardrobe could get better than yours, even better. You were probably the first one to try the new-length mini skirt. You like perfumes with florid, heady undertones, and you should call attention to your piercing eyes with bold shadow choices and well-groomed brows.
You are game for anything new, but you have your set choices. Your sexy, red lipstick probably has a place of honour in your purse. And yes, the more vibrant the reds are, the better. No muted shades for you! You are comfortable with starting off things, but never get down to finishing them. You probably bought a new jar of fairness cream, and soon forgot all about it. Last season's discarded colors and half-used lotions pile up beneath your sink and clutter up your vanity.
Although potions you love certainly help you shine, your true beauty comes from your spontaneity and willingness to experiment. You have your best foot forward all the time. This runs colour up your cheeks, and is one blush make-up cannot achieve!
Lucky Gem
This glittering coral is your stone. It will give you all the courage you need! The stone could also make you rich. You can be assured of a comfortable future.
Lucky Number
See what magic number 14 can bring into your life
Lucky Colour
Revel in the magic of peacock blue!
Lucky Day
Strike gold on Tuesday!
In your personal relationships Arians are frank, direct and candid, and make enthusiastic and generous friends. You are liable to have a high sex drive and make passionate but fastidious lovers. There is, however, a negative side to your associations with other people. You can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in your companions and, though yourselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others. The intensity of your sexual urges can drive you to promiscuity and a Don Juan-like counting of conquests of the opposite sex. It can also trick you into early unwise marriage which may end disastrously. Arians are highly devoted to their children, even to the point of laying down their own lives, so that they might live. You will not find a more defensive and loving parent in all the zodiac.
Coming in first
Championing Causes
Waiting Around
Admitting Failure
No opposition
Other peoples advice wink
The color of choice for Aries is RED
Your starstone is the precious Diamond. The diamond is considered the greatest of stones, revered throughout the ages for its great beauty, and strength, and also for its powerful positive spiritual and physical influences. The diamond is said to enhance the wearer with charm and beauty. Physically it strengthens the kidneys and reproductive organs and gives protection in severe disease. The ancient Romans believed that the diamond, when worn on the left arm, next to the skin, would give the wearer bravery and daring. During the Middle Ages Queen Elizabeth I was given a diamond to ward off the plague.
The perfect pick up line to seduce Arians: I'm on fire. Can I run through your sprinkler? [ compare ]
The Arians' passionate nature: Your kisses are quick and passionate fits of lustful pleasure that are there and then gone. [ compare ]
How they crave and consume chocolate: Aries eats all of the chocolates in one sitting. [ compare ]
How they respond to Valentines Day: You're determined to receive the most cards, candy and flowers. Who says sending roses to yourself doesn't count? [ compare ]
Aries Women
Aries women are robust and independent. When it comes to a relationship, she likes to be in charge. At the very least, she expects to be seen as an equal. If you accept her domineering ways, expect her to try to change you. She will attempt to mold you into the man of her dreams. An Aries woman can be forceful and is determined to get her way.
In love, an Aries woman can be very faithful. However, she can also be jealous and possessive. This jealousy is not the result of insecurity on her part, but her need to be #1 in your life. If you are faithful to her, she will be loyal but, if you stray, you can expect the same from her. What she really desires is a long-term relationship. Loving and passionate, she enjoys sharing her life with another. An Aries woman is one you do not want to neglect or ignore. When she feels loved, she is understanding and supportive. When she feels abandoned, she can be shrill and demanding.
The Perfect Date
Aries love anything adventurous, so taking them white water rafting, skydiving, or bungee jumping would be right up their alley. However, they also consider themselves intellectuals, so if you want to start out a bit slower, take them to the theatre, a concert, an art museum, or even a political rally.
Aries are also big sports fans, so you can never go wrong with any type of sporting event. Be prepared though - Aries have lots of energy and you may be in for a marathon date if things go well.
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