Wow. almost forgot to write this. sweatdrop Good thing I remembered. We burned all the debris in our yard today. The fire was going for hours. When we tossed fresh, green evergreen needles in it, the fire made a really fun crackling sound. xd Then we cooked hotdogs over the fire for dinner and had marshmallows for desert. blaugh It was yummy.
CH 4 P 5
Kira sighed, "I guess this time I have to make another platform. the ground's too wet to sleep on."
She found a good tree and hung the waterproof sheet to protect them from the dripping trees. Luke stayed on the ground and tossed large branches up to kira so she could set them in place. Soon, they had another large platform.
"I hope this one can stand up to a wyvern," Luke said with mock seriousness.
they laid their bedmats out over the damp branches. Kira pulled the bowl that had been n her house out of her backpack and dropped some small sticks in it. She lit it and placed it in the middle of the platform. even though it was a small flame,it spread it's light over the platform, pushing back the boundaries of darkness as the sun set in the distance. Stars came out one byu one over their heads, then the almost full moon made it's apperance, bathing the dark forest floor with a creamy yellow light.
"wow," Kira said softly.
"Yes," Luke said, staring up at the moon," Full moon in two days,"
Kira looked at him, "You like the full moon?"
"Well, of course," he sighed. "Werewolves absorb power from the moon. Full-blooded were-wolves can transform on all but the darkest night. I can't except on the night of the full moon, or with the help of a moonstone to amplify the moon's rays." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a completely clear, unpolished stone and held it in his palm. It falshed and gleamed in the moonlight.
"You're lucky," Kira said quietly, "I can't transform at all,"
They both sighed and looked back out over the black forest. Silently, Luke atood up and walked back under the water sheet and into his bed mat.
"Good night"
Kira sat out for a while longer, quietly staring at the moon that hung high over her head. Luke and Buddy's collective snores had filled the platform by the time she went to bed.
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Dragon Daze
(used to be Vice-Versa) Ryan thinks he's a normal kid, but then his adoptive parents die and he's shipped off to live with a grandfather he's never met. And then there's his new high school, where no one is quite human. (Check archive for first chap)
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