so basically, I don't make layouts now, I just design them!! sweatdrop
But feel free to take my designs and use them! 4laugh
Heres how u put it in ur profile:
Go to the bottom of the page(in gaia,of caurse! xp )and u should see something called,"GAIA A TO Z".keep looking till u find profile and click on it!
then u'll see a profile editor.go to preferences, and keep scrolling down till u see something saying "choose profile".change it from "new profile" to "old school". then go to theme wich was where the preferences were,and there will be a box with the options,"classic,custom,blocks and grunny".choose custom.then all u have to do is copy the code below,and paste it into the theme override thing!
(I tryed to make it as understanding as possible! sweatdrop )

this layout has a chao that looks like amy on it. If u don't know wat chao are...LOL!there the cutest things ever created!!!! in the pic, u know how amy likes sonic,right?well,this is an amy chao holding a sonic doll! whee
/* - Free Gaia Online Layouts */
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#friends #friendGroup li
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.caption:before, .caption2:before
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.caption2 .message
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