Today i woke up happy.
Now i feel sad again.
Miserable, in pain, alone and hurt.
Today is not how i planned.
I have no reason to cry
except for some events that have taken place.
i dare not mention my thoughts aloud,
for it will only worry those who i love.
Why does it hurt? I don't know.
Am i really alone?It seems like it to me right now.
Why? Last night was fun and exciting.
Now I feel abandoned and hurt.
Is it missing my uncle?
Will drowning in this lukewarm water heal me?
How can it? It hurts too bad anyway.
The sky in my world right now is dark
with storming clouds of rain thats pain.
But i look out my window to see
the sun shinning so clearly and bright.
I feel a small sliver of hope for me,
but then it quickly drowns away.
I know there are people near me
that can and want to help
I don't nor can't feel their presence right now.
All gone, gone away. It's all empty...
This empty feeling continues
to echo the pain repeatedly.
I leave this unfinnished so
noone continues to be hurt
as they may read this.
I wish no pain on any one
Even though we all experience it.
We learn from it anyway
We can't have happiness w/out pain
Good bye to all. I now leave this site
Do not worry about me
I'm only drowning right now
All humans are in this together
Suffering, confusing and cry
loosing loved ones that die
Or simply wishing to disappear
Anywhere else but here.
I said that i would stopped.
I lied, i suck
I've always hated myself
I began to feel a difference
A difference for the better
But its gone.
The light is gone
Where did you go?
Why did you leave!
No, who are you??
Confusion takes over the body
the mind, then soul
I reach out but pull right back in.
Is this really teenager hood?
It really isn't fun.
My life feels dark
also torn apart.
I must stop typing now
The pain is taking me away.
...Don't worry about me. It's okay
I keep coming back
Wanting to to be saved.
Even though the pain is so fresh
and it's killing me
I know I'll be okay
I must finnish this alone
For i don't know if anyone can help.
...Don't worry about me. It's okay...or is it?
Is it really okay? Or is this the end of happiness? It can't
be, can it?
Will someone save me, or must I save my self?
I really am alone now.
I know no one may beable to save me.
I must do it on my own.
But i just can't...
Dear friends of mine, please take my next words and trust them.
Don't worry about me. It's okay.
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We are the Champions, my friends. And we'll keep on fighting till the end....

We are the Champions, my friends. And we'll keep on fighting till the end....
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