The whip lay comfortable and peaceful in her hand, its menacing flames looked as alive as the whip itself was asleep.
The whip had been passed down to the chosen protectors, but now she was the only one left, forced to make a pact with the owner, Elsa, so that she could become immortal and make sure that no one could ever get the whip.
For inside the whip was the very power that could destroy cities, countries, possibly even the world if harnessed with the other elemental weapons.
Since she made the pact her eyes that were once a calm brown were now a fire colour that actually could leap off and burn any person who dared attack her or anger her.
In her other hand lay a fan, it was quite a common weapon amongst her deceased tribe, but it was more powerful hen the once common ones, it was her chosen weapon, a thing of beauty that could fly straight and true, soar across the air to the attacker.
Her mouth was open, taking in a deep breath before...
People were carrying buckets of water, the water demon was leading them, he was her sole enemy, the others were pitiful compared to her.