Name razz ellor Dalkia (all call her Dalkia)
Blood Type confused ??
Weapon sad Uses magic)
Weapon Name:None
Goal:Sucking the world into the Dark Demention
Story biggrin alkia was never born.She was made by darkness.She taught herself all her dark arts in the world.She wishes to suck out the main soul of the corps of Armia so she came make a exact copy.She wishes to teach her all the dark arts she knows.

Blood Type:B
Weapon:Uses her extra souls
Weapon Names: Light Soul:Eth Dark Soul:Cer
Goal:Trying to recover
Story:Armia has a rare disease that seemed untreatable.It is to kill her but Iuki has a healing trait that can cure her.She has also suffered many damages from what she thinks cause the illness.She fights in a wheel chair.

Age confused ??
Blood Type:AB
Weapon Name:Light in the Dark
Goal:Killing Dalkia
Story:A mage of simple pleasures.Killing Darkness.

Blood Type confused ??
Weapon:Board Sword
Weapon Name confused ??
Goal confused ??
Story:He is a hipnotized minion for Dalkia.He never talks.No one knows his purpose.He has a crystal that makes even the deepest wounds heal.Only Iuki can kill him.

Names:Aya & Ukio
Ages:12 & 12
Blood Types:AB & AB
Weapons: Aya: Double Dark Swords Ukio:Magical Water
Weapon Names: Aya:Rage & Life Ukio:Lil Clix
Goal:Helping Iuki and her friends.
Story:Aya and Ukio are twins who want to help Iuki because it might help them find there parents.

Blood Type:B
Weapon:Bow & Arrows
Weapon Name:Calisucalibur
Goal:Helping Iuki
Story:She really has no story

Name:Sithener (Sithen)
Blood Type:A
Weapon:Cross Staff
Weapon Name:Thorn
Goal:Trying to find out why he is a priest
Story:He is sort of a whatever,cool,hotshot,lay-back guy,but he doesn't know why he is a priest.He helps Iuki on her quest.

These are all the new characters.