In Study Skills today, I worked on my house design for my Management class. And then, after awhile, my other American friend who sat in front of me was also doing his house design. My other friend that sits besides me, (on the left) she was doing her Environmental homework. But then, my friend that sat in front of me, he already started to draw his “dreaming” huge house. Well, first of all, in Management class, of course we've already started to draw our “dreaming” house for our future. For his, he used the most paper (graph paper) in the class. I think he’s pretty exaggerating! Cuz, he used up 6 or 7 papers for his house!!! And then after that, my other friend who sat besides me, (on the right) she was supposed to write her summer for Killing Mr. Griffin. Because she didn't know what to write about it, and couldn't think of anything. Anyways…back to the topic, so then we (me, my other two female friends) started to ask Roy (the one that sat in front of me), why do you need two laundries for your house?? And, if I can recall, I remembered that we also asked him that why did he need three garages?? (Cuz he saw me that I drew two garages..= =) After this question, we then keep on talking together. Until three of them had think bout that they didn't add “Laundry room” for their house…we laughed! (Actually, we've been laughed bout Roy's house design all the time. = =) Ok! Back to the laundry room thingy, when they saw me added the laundry room, they were like, "Oh! Yeah huh?! We (Both Narin & Kelly & Roy) also need to add the laundry room!!" Oh! One other thing that I forgot to mention bout is that, when we (Me, Narin & Kelly) are still talking bout Roy’s house design, we asked him that why do you need two kitchens for your house??!!! And then, of course we laughed again…(Aren't we crazy or what?!) However, I think today is my best day, and the most jocund day ever!!!! I love you guys so much! Thank you you guys for making me laugh everyday. wink
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