age: as old as mankind (looks 21)
Gender: female (demon form male)
human form:

my true form:

Personality: very smart, pridefull, honorable, nice and kind
Weapons: sword and shield
Powers: flame(in all its forms), wind, controwing the undead, healng ,darkness and light
Orientation: bi
I have meney things to man kind thue the generations and verying on how you looked at me i have ben a god or a servent of one. Even thoe man has change gods and over spirts over the years sents i am one the forces that sick with man no matter what the worship sents i am a one the first gods. All actons have a knoble and not as so reson for that
I am neather good or evil becuse i am gust pride pere and simple. Verying on the side one is one pride can be good or evil. In fact humans have it as bouth a sin and a virtue very often. The only thing is they call it too diffent names.
Race: elder god