Suki ran out of the room with tears in her eyes. Her parents just told her she was going to be married this weekend. An arranged marriage. She didn’t want to get married to some jerk from another kingdom just so she could her father’s kingdom would be allied with this prince’s. She was going to have dinner with him tonight. Her father warned her that if she messed this up she would be banned from the kingdom. He would get rid of his own daughter. She didn’t want this but she couldn’t fight it. She got ready for dinner in a red dress with dark red gloves. She sighed and sat down across from her fiancé. She didn’t really look at him, she was avoiding eye contact. She didn’t want to like this boy.

“What do you mean?” Her friend asked “Are you okay? You sound tired.”
“Yeah. I was just running. It started raining so I ran for a shelter, just until it slows down.”
“Oh, okay. But are you sure you’re okay? You’re voice sounds strained too. Like you’ve been hurt or something. I could get my mom to pick you up.”
Tears ran down her face now. She couldn’t tell her friend what happened. She didn’t want her friend to be hurt. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just tired. I’ll be there soon. Don’t worry. I’ve got to go though.”
“Call me if you need anything, okay?”
“Yeah. Bye.”
She heard her friend sigh “Bye."
Akisame closed her phone and silently cried as she slid down the wall so that she was sitting against the wall. She put her head in her hands and stared at the ground as she cried. She was going to die here, but that isn’t what bothered her. She wasn’t sure why she was crying. She had just saved her friends life. Everything was okay. She could die and everything would be okay. Akisame closed her eyes and let the darkness take her.
When she opened her eyes she was in a hospital bed. She looked around the room and sighed. She hadn’t died, but how did she get here? She noticed a boy around her age sitting beside her bed “Oh, you’re awake.” He said.

She hugged her pillow and sighed. Nothing would ever be the same now. She went back to her old self, the broken one, and no one would love her again. She was damaged goods. Who would want her now? She looked at the park below her window and got up. She went outside to the park and sat on a swing. She rested her head against the chains holding the swing up and stared at the rocky ground below.

Kaira sighed as they pulled into a parking spot at the airport. She got out, holding her ticket, as her mother went to the trunk to get her bags. She took one of the bags from her mother and followed her to the right terminal quietly. She turned to her mother when it was time to go get on the plane “Bye mom. I love you.” She said and could see tears in her mothers eyes. Her mother hugged her and her face went red “Bye honey. Come home on holidays.” She said and Kaira pulled away and walked away to get on her plane.
A few hours later she was at the airport and got a cab to her new school. She paid the cab driver and went into the school without even paying attention to what the school was called or the people around her. She just wanted to get settled before school started again. That only left her two days. She sighed when she came into the school and went to the front desk. “Can I help you?” The receptionist asked, looking confused. Kaira nodded “Yeah. I’m Kaira Lewis.” She said and the receptionist jumped “Um… That can’t be true.” She said and looked at her computer “The Kaira we were expecting is a boy.” Kaira shook her head “But my mother sent me here. I have the forms and stuff.” She said and took out the forms from her pocket. She hadn’t really looked at them before, but now she looked at them closely. She gasped “No way.” She said and saw that her mother had circled ‘male’ on the form and she was standing in an all boys boarding school.
Kaira moaned “What am I going to do?” She asked, more herself than the receptionist. The receptionist shook her head and stood up as the principal came out of his office “What seems to be the problem?” He asked and Kaira explained everything to him.
The principal nodded after he listened to what Kaira said. He frowned “Well, since you’re here anyway we might as well just let you stay. You’re mother had already paid for school, and plane tickets home are expensive.” He said and smiled. He handed her a room key “Room 125” Kaira took the key and nodded “Thanks” She said, trying to be polite, but a bit of sharpness could be heard in her tone. She was really mad at her mother. How could anyone make a mistake like that? She left the front office and went up to her room. She unlocked the door and went in.

Kyoujin knelt on one knee “I’m sorry master. It won’t happen again.” She said and the figure laughed “Stand child. I don’t mind. But I do have your next target.” Kyoujin stood, suddenly excited. She hadn’t gotten any targets in so long. All she could do for the past year was train, overly train. She stood up and bowed at the waist “Of course.” She said as he handed her an envelope. “Don’t open this until you’re alone. No one can see this.”
Kyoujin nodded as the figure disappeared. That was her father, and her trainer for this job she had chosen. She was an assassin. She ran back to the school and jumped back onto the roof. She sat down and opened the envelope. She pulled the contents out and shook her head. Her target was from this city, he had apparently killed numerous people relentlessly, just for the sake of it. Or that’s all they knew. He could have a reason, but the trackers didn’t figure that out.
She shoved in the contents again as she heard a shuffling sound behind her. She stood up and whirled around with her katanas out “Who are you” She demanded glaring at the human figure standing behind her.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it.” She said as she changed into her dress and slipped on a pair of shoes. She wouldn’t sleep again that night even if she wanted to. She went outside and climbed one of the trees on the front lawn. She leaned against the tree and closed her eyes, but opened them again quickly, as the images from her nightmare started playing in her head again.

She leaned against the wall and noticed that everyone also looked very sad. She went up to one of the girls in her class “What’s wrong with everyone? Did someone die?” She was expecting an answer, but again she was ignored.
She sighed and walked over to her desk. She sat down and looked at the flowers someone put on her desk. If she was paying more attention, she would have noticed the flowers were the same as the flowers put somewhere to mourn a lost one. Of course she didn’t notice, it wasn’t like she was dead.
She played with the petals and wondered if the nerd boy put them there to apologize about this morning. It was rare for him not to following her. Or maybe it was her friends for being so rude to her.
The teacher asked a question and Mikai raised her hand to answer. The teacher looked in her direction, but wasn’t looking at her. He seemed to be looking through her instead. The boy behind her answered the question and the class continued for the first half of the day.
When second half started she was feeling bored. No one had talked to her at lunch either. She sat down and noticed that everyone was staring through her. She glared at some of the people. They all looked so sad and after a moment Mikai shook her head and sighed.
The teacher cam into the class and everyone finally looked away from her. “Well. It’s time to go down to the memorial service for our young Mikai Sukinoku. Let’s go.” The class got up to go, but Mikai didn’t move. She felt rather sick. The memorial service was for her? It didn’t make sense. She didn’t die. She was still here. It wasn’t possible.
But then it hit. It was possible. Now that she thought about it, it made sense. No one was talking to her because she wasn’t actually here. The flowers weren’t there as an apology, but as a memorial. She had died. As she sat there thinking about it, one thing occurred to her. She didn’t remember how she died. Maybe it was something as simple as dying in her sleep, but she doubted it. The last thing she remembered was walking home from school, so it probably wasn’t in her sleep. She stood up and started walking towards her own memorial service to figure everything out. She had to know.

Tenshi flew down to the city and walked among the mundane. She watched as little children played and fought with each other. She smiled and decided she would watch over a child. She, after some time, picked out a small boy, only a couple years old. She watched over him as he grew, his first day of school she watched him, and was with him. She slowly grew to love the mundane child.
Thirteen years later
Tenshi was still watching the same boy she loved. She knew that she shouldn’t love him, but she couldn’t help it. She watched as he succeeded, and failed, she helped him, without him knowing it, through all of his struggles. She knew him well.
He was now fifteen, the age that she looked, even though she was hundreds of years older than him. She still adored him. She knew that this love would blind her from his faults, but didn’t care. She had kept him alive all this time. He should have died in a car crash years ago, but she saved him and his family. She was proud of that.
One day though, after he got home from school she decided something. She had protected him all this time, it was time for him to meet her. She knew the risks of showing herself to him, but she felt that he was a good person who deserved the truth. She came up to him and faded into his view, her wings not showing “Hello.” She said, unsure of where to start explaining.

Can I Be Somebody Else…
Kaira frowned at the brochure in her lap. She looked out the window at the passing scenery, saying nothing to her father. She didn’t want to speak to him. Not now, not ever. She didn’t want to go to this stupid Trinity Sanctuary. It was just a fancy way for rich adults to get rid of their good for nothing kids with problems. She read over the brochure and snorted. This was going to be the worst weeks of her life. Or however long she was stuck there. What stood out to her the most was the lines ‘You can heal in a place with people who can relate to your problems and are also healing’ and ‘If you need help, or just want someone to talk to, we are here for you.’ She smirked and shook her head “What a s**t load of crap.” She said and mimicked the last line. Her father frowned “Don’t speak like that young lady.” He said and Kaira rolled her eyes and didn’t look at him. It was a s**t load of crap. No one could relate to her problems. Not one person she met could relate to her. They were afraid of her. Even her own father feared her. And they didn’t actually care. They were paid to pretend to care, and they did that well too. She didn’t fall for it anymore though. At first she did, but not anymore. They were all the same. No one really cared. Not even ******** God cared about anyone. He ditched her long ago. She sighed and pulled out her ipod. She put in the ear buds and cranked the music level to maximum. The song was More Than A Love Song by Firflight. Her father pulled up to the school and went around to the back to get one of her three small duffel bags. Kaira stayed in the seat for another couple of minutes then got out carrying her laptop bag. It also had a journal in it along with a couple of binders for writing. In her other bags were her clothes, her camera and her very small supply of art things. It was a drawing pad and some artist pencils. It wasn’t much but she liked it. She also had a razor hidden in a secret pocket. No one had found it yet.
She took one of the bags, the one with her camera and art supplies and followed her father up to the school. They went inside and went to the front desk. She got her room number and a key. She was also told that all staff members had a key to every room in case something suspicious was happening and they needed in. She frowned and nodded “Yeah sure.” She said and took the key. She went up the hall to her room and unlocked the door. She went in and noticed that no one else’s things were in the room. She was relieved. She didn’t want to share a room with anyone. Unless of course, she could scare them “Want me to help you unpack?” Her father offered. She turned around to face him “No thanks. I just want to be left alone.” She said bitterly and her father left the room without saying goodbye.
Kaira quickly put her dresses in the closet and her skinny jeans and shirts in the dresser. While she was hanging the dresses she noticed that all the hangers were the pathetic plastic ones. There wasn’t a single metal one. It was like a mental hospital with freedom. She sighed and finished unpacking her things. She put her art supplies in the drawer of the nightstand and her camera on top of the nightstand. She threw her bags in the bottom of the closet. She also put her arm warmers in the drawer with the art supplies. She put her laptop at the end of her bed and grabbed her camera and ipod.
She went outside with her camera in hand and her ipod on full volume again. She hated this place already, but there was nice scenery around here. Might as well take advantage of it while she was stuck in this hell hole. She snapped some pictures, and was barely paying attention to the time, when she noticed the sun starting to go down. She checked the time and sighed. It was ten thirty and curfew was eleven. She walked back to her dorm room and turned on her laptop. She checked her email and stuff and then turned it off. Nothing good.
A small package fell through the slot in the door. Kaira got up and picked it up. It was the list of rules, her class schedule, group therapy schedule and some other useless things. She threw the package on the floor next to the nightstand and turned off the light. Nothing better to do than sleep. She skipped through songs until she fell asleep.
She took one of the bags, the one with her camera and art supplies and followed her father up to the school. They went inside and went to the front desk. She got her room number and a key. She was also told that all staff members had a key to every room in case something suspicious was happening and they needed in. She frowned and nodded “Yeah sure.” She said and took the key. She went up the hall to her room and unlocked the door. She went in and noticed that no one else’s things were in the room. She was relieved. She didn’t want to share a room with anyone. Unless of course, she could scare them “Want me to help you unpack?” Her father offered. She turned around to face him “No thanks. I just want to be left alone.” She said bitterly and her father left the room without saying goodbye.
Kaira quickly put her dresses in the closet and her skinny jeans and shirts in the dresser. While she was hanging the dresses she noticed that all the hangers were the pathetic plastic ones. There wasn’t a single metal one. It was like a mental hospital with freedom. She sighed and finished unpacking her things. She put her art supplies in the drawer of the nightstand and her camera on top of the nightstand. She threw her bags in the bottom of the closet. She also put her arm warmers in the drawer with the art supplies. She put her laptop at the end of her bed and grabbed her camera and ipod.
She went outside with her camera in hand and her ipod on full volume again. She hated this place already, but there was nice scenery around here. Might as well take advantage of it while she was stuck in this hell hole. She snapped some pictures, and was barely paying attention to the time, when she noticed the sun starting to go down. She checked the time and sighed. It was ten thirty and curfew was eleven. She walked back to her dorm room and turned on her laptop. She checked her email and stuff and then turned it off. Nothing good.
A small package fell through the slot in the door. Kaira got up and picked it up. It was the list of rules, her class schedule, group therapy schedule and some other useless things. She threw the package on the floor next to the nightstand and turned off the light. Nothing better to do than sleep. She skipped through songs until she fell asleep.
… For All The Times I Hate Myself

Most of the time Saiyku kept as much of her body covered as possible. It was a way to hide the bruises and cuts all over her. Today though, she didn’t have her arm warmers on and anyone who passed her gave her a disgusted, or concerned look that said ‘what’s wrong with you?’ She ignored them though, she didn’t feel like talking about her broken life to anyone. Ever. She wandered up a small trail, away from the crowds, to a huge hill that she loved. It had an amazing view of the world, and when she was up there she felt separated from the world, like nothing could ever hurt her. She lost herself when she was up there. All her problems vanished, except for the guilt that would be in her forever.
Saiyku sat down on the ground and rested her head on her knees. She wrapped her scared arms around her legs and just stared at the city below her. It started to rain gently and she closed her eyes. The rain didn’t bother her, it calmed her. She loved the rain. She fell asleep on the hill to the sound of the rain falling around her.

“Mistress, we are loosing badly. Almost all of our soldiers are dead. There is only about one hundred left fighting for our side.” Cynn’s thoughts were interrupted when one of her servants told her, kneeling in front of her.
Cynn looked at him and let out a small growl. Her side was losing. The fate of her family was in trouble. She looked at her servant fondly, knowing what she must do. She looked at the war and with her thoughts told her soldiers to fall back, there was a ceremony to hold, and everyone was needed back at the base now.
“Thank you.” She said to the servant “Can you prepare the sealing ceremony please? We need to insure our race will live on even if we lose this war.” She said and the servant nodded and ran off to the ceremonial grounds. Cynn took in a deep breath, one of the last she would take and started to walk around the castle she had grown up in and learned to rule in. After visiting her favourite places, she went to the ceremonial grounds to preserve her race.
All of her followers were waiting at the grounds when she arrived. She nodded at them and smiled, revealing her long white fangs. They all kneeled in respect and bowed their heads as she passed them. She stood in front of the crowd and looked at all of her followers. They were the most loyal she had ever known in all her life “Rise up.” She said simply and they all rose to their feet and looked at her. Her servant came up and stood beside her “It is ready.” He sad quietly.
Cynn nodded and the smile from her face faded. What she was about to do would change the history of demons forever. Nothing would be the same “Thank you.” She said quietly and then rose her voice “It is clear to all of us that this is a battle we cannot win. The humans will wipe us all out before sunrise” The sun was just setting now, the time when demons were strongest “We will become an extinct race if I do not act now.” The demons around her growled as she spoke and shook their heads. They knew what she said was true. She looked at the sun setting behind her followers “There is a way to make sure we survive. I don’t have enough strength to save us all, only one person.”
“You mistress! It must be you!” One of the younger soldiers said. He was only about one hundred years old, but one of the most loyal and strong demons she knew. Others murmured agreement with what he had said. The young one stepped forward “What must we do? What has to be done to save you?”
Cynn looked at all of her followers. It was clear they wouldn’t settle for anyone but her. She sighed and nodded “I must seal myself away. No one will be able to find me once I’m sealed. I will still be alive, just useless for the most part. I will be sealed in a blank book and once someone starts to write in that book I will return. Once I return I can gather the supposedly extinct demons and restart our race.” She looked at the young one that had stepped forward “I need some of you to stay and fight and the rest to flee and hide. Be invisible and keep the race alive for as long as you can. I will come back for you.” She said and nodded to her servant to begin the ceremony.
She smiled to her followers once more and was sealed into a blank book. Her servant and the young one fled with the book and hid it well. About fifty of her demons went back and fought to their deaths against the humans, who foolishly thought that the demons had been wiped out. The other half ran all over the world to hide from the humans until their queen, Cynn returned.
Over six hundred years later a boy picked up Cynn’s book. He was a well known writer and was about to write a new book. The ancient book that Cynn was sealed in was just right. He started to write in it and after a while he got tired and went to bed, leaving the book in his office. After he was gone, the seal was broken and Cynn was freed from the book.
She looked around the room in confusion. She didn’t understand the TV or the computer. Things like this had not yet been invented in her time. Guns had not even been in her time. She shook her head and let power fill her once again. Of course it would take time before she was back to her full strength, but she was still stronger than a human. She summoned her demons and waited in the room, trying to understand these things. She inhaled deeply and was surprised at the scent of a human male. She followed the scent and went to his room. He was asleep, but she smiled at him, her fangs showing. Her eyes turned from a dark gray to blood red and her nails grew long into claws. Bloodlust ruled her and if it wasn’t for the fact that he had free her, she would have killed him. This human was lucky. For now.