Your smiles, laughter, and wise advice always helped me through so many things. You are like a little sister and a twin even though we're different ages lol. I know that it would be weird to others to say how we were connected that since we were sick a lot that we shared a bond. That and whenever one of us would get sick the other could feel like aka why we would always feel like twins.
Baby girl I know that you are in a better place...but my heart is aching so much... You don't have to have that damn morphine shot ever 15 minutes for pain no longer and you're freaking free from it! Lord I thank you for placing her in my life, I've had the honor of having her as my little sister.
I remember the times when we had a lot of fun when we were kids. Watching Dragon Ball Z and arguing who was Trunks' girlfriend lol. Both of us pretending to be Sailor Moon and how anime and the Japanese Culture had bonded us a long with acting. Tish I promise to keep on doing my dreams of Writing, Acting, Cosplayng, and I shall try to draw again as well. You're always living on in my heart my sweetie and you have earned those wings... You were always an angel on Earth and now you are an Angel in Heaven with our Father. I know that you're smiling down at me while I look up and smile back at you.
~ Deidra