~Character Data~

Personal Information
Name: Dorian Nickolai De'Gray
Age: Approximately 25 spirit years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Shinigami
Ethnicity: Russian
Division: Unknown as of yet
Seat: Unknown as of yet
Zanpakuto: Tsuki Taiyo
Reiatsu Color: Red surrounded with a Black outline
Reiatsu Appearance: Dorian's Reiatsu most often appears not in a mass around him, but as eagle feathers drifting from the sky above him, and dissipating as the touch his skin, the ground, or what ever else they touch.
Personality: Dorian has a severe case of multiple personality disorder, comparable to that of Dr. Jekyle and Mr. Hyde, on one hand, Dorian has a rather mellow outlook on life, he spends his time indulging himself in books and training, but he is not very aggressive in his fighting. on the other hand, Dorian makes an incredible leader, and is extremely aggressive in everything he does, doing anything to win, and he spends his time searching for fights, or trying to find something to test his strength, intelligence, leadership skills, ect ect.
Height: 5 foot 6 inches
Weight: 175lbs
Hair: Black, shoulder length, however the hair goes
Eyes: Has a cat-like style eye shape, eye color is grey.
Clothing: Think Gothic. it changes sometimes, but is always Gothic.
Physical Appearance: Muscular, almost Knightly.
Past Divisions: None
Dorian, when human, was born on the year of 1994, but wound up committing suicide at the age of sixteen, upon the death of his truth love. For all of his life though, he spent his time training in weapons and hand to hand combat, or he spent it trying to please his love. Wendy, the women to whom Dorian Loved, was an amazing woman, stunning in beauty, amazingly personal, basically the perfect girl for this flawed me. She was killed in a high school shoot out between to local gangs. When James found out the news, he was devastated, almost instantly he plotted his revenge on the gangs. In a series of only a couple of days, the once famous gangs, were reduced to nothing, all by the hand of two people: Dorian and Nickolai. After his revenge had been taken, Dorian took a fatal poison, of which he had created himself, and died.
Once in the spirit world, Dorian left no time in his search for Wendy, but he has been unsuccessful. In his search, Dorian became a very well known name in the fighting world, for he often times got in fights in a depressed stupor. Dorian, through this depression, created Nickolai, his alternate personality, to compress his anger towards this cruel fate that he's been given. Through his years in the Soul Society, Dorian has been taught many things, but the most prominent was the martial arts skills he learned, which eventually gained him entry into the Soul Reaper Academy.
Extra Weapons or Items: a hand crafted Black obsidian necklace, no powers contained.
Gigai Appearance: Gigai Appearance
Hobbies: reading, writing, running, training, playing his guitar, and fighting.
Favourite Food: King Crab
Favourite Drink: Root Beer
Least Favourite Food: none
Likes: everything
Dislikes: nothing
Relatives: none
~Zanpakuto Information ~
Zanpakuto Name: Tsuki Taiyo (Moon and Sun)
Zanpakuto Type: Wakazashi
Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance: Zampakuto Appearance
Spirit Appearance: Tsuki Taiyo
Spirit Personality: Tsuki Taiyo, or Tsu as she likes to be called, is an almost exact replica, in female version, of Dorian himself. They both have Multiple Personality Disorder, and both there personalities are exactly the same. That is the strength in their partnership. Where as one may be in there "Battle Mode" the other is, most likely, in his/her "Calm mode".
Spirit Relationship: Both Dorian and Tsu have feelings for each other, though Dorian refuses to acknowledge his feelings for her. Tsu is head over heals for Dorian, and will do what ever he asks her to do.
Spirit Inner World: Dorian's inner world changes with his personality. When Dorian is calm, his inner world is on a cliff by the sea side, surrounded by tall trees. Where as his Angered form's spirit world is a barren waste land covered in the rotting bodies of the dead, swords, spears, and other various weapons sticking out of the bodies.
Shikai Appearance: Sword and new out fit
Shikai Release Command: Command the Tides, Tsuki
Shikai Release Appearance: Dorian sweeps his sword from east to west, signifying the changing of the tides, and then he shoves his Wakazashi into the ground, all the way to the Tsuba, turns it Ninety-degrees and snaps the blade. When the blade breaks, a thick fog that no light can pierce spreads, and the sound of a black smith forging a weapon are heard. After about Thirty seconds or so the fog clears and there Dorian stands, holding his new sword, and dressed in his new attire.
Shikai Ability: Tsuki being the moon, Dorian's Shikai powers are very strong compared to most. Dorian's shikai ability is, in essence, to control water, just as the moon does. Dorian CANNOT summon water that is not there already, but he can take water that is there and use it as weapons of offense and defense.
Shikai Attacks:
Bankai Appearance:
Bankai Release Appearance: Bankai Appearance
Bankai Ability:
Bankai Attacks:
~Destructive Arts~
Bakudo: (Way of Binding, just list numbers learned.)
Hado: (Way of Destruction, Just list numbers learned.)
Chiyudo: (Way of Healing, Just list numbers learned. )
~Spiritual Arts~
Zanjutsu: (Swordsmanship Techniques)
Hakuda: (Hand to Hand Combat Techniques)
Hoho: (Step Method Techniques)