OK so when I first got my dog (Duke) my dad and I took him to this man made lake place in our town. And we walk down the stairs of the nearest dock and the first thing my dog see's are DUCKS! The stupid pup jumps in the WATER after them!!!! gonk Then not even 6 seconds later he realizes... he doesn't like water. HAHAHAHAHA rofl
OK so this next time was when My family and I were on this house boat for our vacation exclaim and Duke was allowed to go with us. Anyway, so we were on those boat for about a weeks time and I think it was the second day of the trip and we just woke up and gotten ready and docked in front of this restaurant for breakfast. Everyone got off and I was last because I was leashing Duke up to take him out with us and go ... do his business. So I leashed him up and we start walking and whats next to us in the water is not ducks but like seaweed and all of this floating green lillypad like stuff and it looks like LAND!!!! and so the stupid dog WALKS onto this stuff and just FALLS right in!!! gonk Me of course thinking he'll drown from the seaweed onto him i hold onto him with my arm under his and the other holding up his head and I am litterally SCreaming!! for help as if MY life was on the line. i was about 13-14 at this time so you could imagine a little girls terriffied scream and it still took my family about 3min to run down and see me. Anyway, we pulled him up and afterwards we all started to laugh and then after we laugh i was all like kung fu on my parents butt cause they took so long. ninja But alls well that ends well.
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