Name: Elliot "Eli" Schaffer (Shay-fur)
Codename: Railgun
Academy X Student Team: The mods will assign your character to the Alpha or Omega teams upon approval of your application. Requests can be made later to change teams.
Age: 18
Birthday: January 26th
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Skin Tone: (Naturally) Tanned
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 160 Lbs.
Race/Nationality: Multiracial/American
Noteable Characteristics:
Back Tattoo: From Base of Neck to mid back, shows off when possible.
Tattoo: From palm side wrist towards elbow, "Remember Death"
Four Scars: Two under his right pectoral, one on the sternum and the fourth just below his heart.
Uniform: To Be Assigned.
Standard Dress: Beige Cargo shorts, and a loose, but not baggy, fitting t shirt.
Place of Birth:Hoag Hospital, Orange County, California
Mother (Deceased) Mutation Present.
Father (Retired) War veteran] Mutation Recessive
Sister (Alive) Dormant Mutation
Superhuman Ability:
Electrokinesis - Ability to generate and manipulate electricity.
Light Manipulation - Ability to manipulate light
Abilities: As Eli explores his ability to manipulate electricity, he has gained a resistance to electrical shocks and high quantities of heat.
With constant studying, science, and chess playing Eli has a high capability of concentration and a high attention span.
Non-mutant power skills: (Read this thread before creating your adding skills)
Power Levels:
**All new players will start as 2nd Year Students either taking college courses or Junior/Senior High School. See the Thread Below before creating your stats.**
Physical Strength (1-10): 3
Speed (1-10): 3
Durability (1-10): 5
Intelligence (1-10): 6
Energy (1-10):4
Agility (1-10): 4
Power Mastery (1-20): 6
[Total points 31]
Personal Strengths: Competitive, Persevering, Quick Thinker, Smooth Talker, Values the Lives of his team mates.
Personal Weaknesses: Takes Too Many Risks (When he's dealing with only his own life), Easily beaten in physical strength and speed. Can become volatile if enraged.
Personality: Easy Going, Competitive, Thrill Seeking, Flirtatious, (Sometimes)[Quite] Obnoxious, Doesn't feel bad if he offends someone.
Hobbies: Anything that gets the adrenaline pumping, playing with explosives, guns, and intrigued by sciences, mainly chemistry and physics, likes to make/invent things on down time, Swimming.
Mutant/Human Relations View: Eli feels life is what it is, and could care less about the Mutants/Human Relations, He feels he is just a mere pawn until a time may come when he is needed of importance. If it can be justified given the circumstances, it should be allowed.
History: Elliot Schaffer was born to a middle class family. His Father served multiple terms in both Gulf Wars, and the War on Terror. His Mother was a mutant, and worked in at home ICU care, where she could use her abilities to her best. Since at home ICU care meant those terminally ill were soon dying, they'd spend their last moments at home. Eli's mom had the ability to heal injury and sickness with a mere touch. Eli's dad was unaware of his Mother's abilities.
When Eli was eight, his sister was born, and he took immediate interest in helping out his younger sister. A year and a half later, Eli's powers manifested in the presence of his father and mother. His father, being someone who was strongly against the mutant populace became enraged. He went to his gun closet where he grabbed one of his rifles and shot Eli, four shots center mass. Eli's mother screamed and yelled, and in a fit of confused rage and despair, her ability's dark side showed, as she slapped and attacked Eli's father, his leg muscle quickly degenerated and he began to lose control of his legs. In his continued rage, as he sat on the ground unable to do anything, he fired aimlessly at Elliot's mother. Elliot's mom, fell, blood flowing from the wounds she rolled over and left her hand on Elliot, where she slowly healed him of his wounds. Eli was in a Coma, his father Jailed and his sister circulated in a foster home.
Five years later he had awoken again where he spent two years relearning basic functions and skills. In this time he took to his studies, bed ridden in the hospital. He took a quick interest in Sciences, where he began studying chemistry, maths, and physics. Quickly however, with much free time, he managed to rediscover his powers. This time, in solitude, he was able to keep it a secret until his research brought him to Academy X.
Today he continues to study sciences. Because of this, Eli is low on the popular scale, as well as the amount of friends. It doesn't bother him however. His positive attitude keeps him going. He writes and visits frequently to his sister.
Eli does not recall the day when he first manifested his powers and was assaulted and put into a coma by his father.
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Courage is NOT the absence of fear; it's the recognition that something else is more important than fear." - Walter Reed