So yesterday i started school like everyone else and yeah it was all so boring and doing my usual weird things, but then we had P.E. (DUN DUN DUUUUN) Every new term we do these little excersises that everyone in the class hates its like doing push ups and sit ups, star jumps, laps and this thing were you have to step up and down really quickly on a bench and it leaves you exhaunsted and like youve lost 100kg. So anyway after P.E. we had break so i started like i would usually every day and go buy either a packet of M&N's or an Aguarius. I wanted a Aguarius. So when i had drank all my Aquarius i felt really nice and refreshed, and then there came math...
It all went really well at first and im usually good at math but today i couldnt even remember what 8 x 7 was!!! Something was wrong with me. Then through the lesson i got a splitting head ache proabably the worst ive ever had. And then i started to see little spots of white and pink. Soon.... i was blind in one eye. No im not kiddin i went blind in one eye, not cool. I started to a get a little scared cause i had no idea what was wrong with me so i told my friend i think ive gone blind in one eye. She said how many fingers am i holding up? I thought i had answered correctly by saying 3. She had held up 5. Ok i was freeked out now and started to panic. I tried concerntrating in Scinence but i just couldnt understand or hear or see anything he was saying. Now i have low blood pressure. Just naturally really low blood pressure. That means i have a tendency to faint alot...! And then i broke down i started spinning and my head felt like it was splitting open. My friend came over to see what was wrong with me. She had noticed i was trembling ALOT. My head ache hurt soooo much that i started crying out in pain. Yeah that bad. No im not a cry baby. My friend pushed me of the top of the tree and i didnt cry or scream at all. But anyway back to the point. My boyfriend came over cause he saw me crying and he tried to comfort me but i just fell over. My friend had to drag me down to the office. The secretary called my mum and gave me a glass of water and cause i was trembling so much i dropped it so water wasnt one of the best ideas to calm me down. By this time i felt like i was going to be sick so i went outside to get some fresh air. I could hardly walk. I sat outside and soon my mum picked me up. I got in a taxi and she took me home and put me to bed. She thought it was just my low blood pressure again and a normal head ache. I tried to get to sleep but it was too hard my head just hurt too much. So she brought me another glass of water. I took one sip. Waited 5 seconds and was sick alll over the floor. I tried eating something and i was sick. So my mum got scared and took me to the doctors. I had to wait for ages with a splitting head ache while they were trying to find out what the problem was. Soon they came to the conclusion that i had had a migrain attack. I was put on a drip and i had a long long sleep in the hospital. Dunno how though there were like screaming babies everywhere you looked. I hate hospitals. In the drip was this really really strong pain killer that worked around after 1 hour. But i had to wait untill it was all in my blood stream. That took around another 3 hours. I got out of school at 1 o'clock just to let you know, and i went to the doctors around 2. When i came out of the hospital it was 8 o'clock. There was loads of traffic so we didnt get in untill 30 mins past or something like that. When i got in i had a nice warm bath and mushed up potato. I went to bed with a pain killer and now it is 10 in the morning. Im feeling alot better now.
Dunno why you might be interested in this i just felt like wasting your time!!! xd
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ABloodyGorgeousChimp's Journal
So my name is Charlie. Im 12 years old for anyone who wants to know. Im tall i cant say what color my hair is cause im always dying it. Im fun and adventurous my friends have told me. Anything else you want to know about me have a chat and ill tell y
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That's me whee