
Leaves crunched beneath her bare feet. She whizzed past trees, jumped over roots, but also was alert to any signs of danger. Her long blue hair flowed out behind her. From her long ears, gold hoops hung. Her green eyes looked around the forest. When she eventually stopped running, she was exhausted. She walked to a nearby lake. The moon reflected off it and the stars where on the surface as well. The surface was as smooth as glass. She wading into the water and sighed. It's warmth filled her cold body like a flood. She was very relaxed. Her hair draped behind her ears and her dress held still in the completely motionless water. She heard a noise approaching her and she snapped up, sending ripples throughout the whole lake.

2))She stood on the bank of the lake, a few small waves washing over her toes at times. She sighed, and the wind blew a few strands of coal black hair into her blue eyes. Her wings opened and closed smoothly, gently, and quietly. Her white dress moved freely around her figure. The moon was a tiny cresent tonight and the stars shone brightly above. She took a step out, and stepped right on top of the water. And she gracefully danced out on the water. She spun and flipped and glided from one movement to another The long ribbons tied to her ankles breezed around her as if air. Her hair moved ever so slightly and she closed her blue eyes and continued to glide accross the water. The light shimmered off of the ripples sent accross the lake by her feet. She was as light as a feather, as graceful as a breeze through thick trees, never slowing, once she splashed up water to create an effect. The moonlight shone off the drops of water and created prisms, sending rainbows around the forest... Then she heard a noise and looked and saw someone watching her. SHe stopped immediatly, embarrased and looked at her vistor.

3) Yina leaned against the brick wall of the school, looking around the corner, staring at her crush. Once, it looked like he had seen her, and her heart had nearly jumped out of her chest, but no. He was talking with his friends. She pulled her head back around the corner and tucked some hair behind her ear. Then, she heard footsteps coming from around the corner. Was it her crush, or another girl. Her heart began to speed up and her breath caught in her throut. Then, the person came from around the corner and ran strait into her, knocking her down.

4)) The damp leaves crunched beneath her bare feet, her heart racing. Her pursuers only a few meters behind her. She jumped over roots and dodged trees. There was the clanking of chains and the clacks of guns loading. She knew she could not stop long enough to create a focal circle, but if she could, she could kill them all so easily. A chain flew out from behind her and grabbed her arm, piercing deep into her skin like claws. "GAH!" she yelled, as she quickly yanked the claw out, and continued running. I have to get away. I just have to! I can't go back to that place. She thought. Forcing her legs to go faster she began feeling around the pocketed belt she had stolen before her escape attempt. Then, something hard hit the back of her head, and she staggered. A few inches lower and I would have been out cold. She shivered at the idea. Then, she came to a block. A dark figure standing in the shadow, MAKING her stop, and the arms wrapped around her. "Damn it! Get out of my way!!" She yelled, pressing her palm to one of her pursuers chests, creating a glowing circle. with shapes and ancient writings, glowing bright purple.

5)) I carefully walked up the stairs, glancing around every corner, and each time i did so, my heart racing faster and faster, then to stop when I realized there was nothing there. I staggered through the halls of my now abandoned apartment building. Where my home was. When I finally reached the door in the darkness, there was a boom, and all the lights burst, and the glass shaddered all over the floor. I gasped as one piece of glass cut across my forearm. "GAAH!" I yelled clutching it. Then, held out my free hand and created a barrier. All the glass shards clattered off it as if it were brick. Gasping and clenching my teeth in pain, I removed the piece of glass. Then, i turned around and faced the door, and raised a shaky hand to rest on the silver doornob, glistening slightly in the light. I turned it, with no resistance from the knob or lock. Pushing it open very slightly and slowly, I walked in, only to find what I had dreaded most. THAT man, and a chair. A dark figure was in it, but it was so dark I couldn't make out details. "So, now you're kiddnapping young people, on top of all the murders you've commited, and your lust for power." I snarled at him. He chuckled and replied. "You're one to talk, Murder." "let's stop reminising over my name, and release the girl." From a hand I held up in the air, twisted out vines of fire and electricity, grasping at his body, stinging where the touched. The flame of the spot where the glass had cut and the spot where I been hit with a sword and the spot in the exact middle of my right palm, was almost too much to bare.

(I also do the music to set the mood thing, so yea(no attention to words, just rythumn in this case: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh8CEBM9C2w
6)) Murder walked down the stone, running a cold, pale hand along the crumbling wall, a smug smile on her face. Her hand left trails of blood along the wall. She was happy to finally of killed that b*****d and tortured him before his death. She wasn't very merciful, and usually fairly brutal. The loner, the type who would stop at NOTHING to get her vengence. The bloodlust had been clear in her eyes before the crime she commited. This crumbling, stone tunnel was lit by a single torche every few yards. The fire flickered with her passing, threatening to flicker out anymoment. Her black heels tapping against the floor, her long white hair flaring out behind her, and her bloodred eyes darting around. "There is a being here, one that knows not where they lurk." She smirked and laughed a bone chilling laugh that echoed through the tunnel. There was only one exit of this tunnel, and no branches. If they were in here, they're only warning would have been this chilling laugh, that was enough to send anyone scrambling for cover.

7)) The wind whipped at Muro's hair as she rode her broom home. The windows glowed warm yellow, but she could tell it wasn't as inviting as it looked. Her father cursing loud enough to hear from the front door made it seem as though tonight, she were unwelcome. Slowly, she raised a shaky hand and rested it on the doorknob, not turning it yet, afraid. Slowly, the golden knob was turned and the deep wooden door creaked open. Muro creeped through the hallway, and came to the corner where, if her family looked up from the table or away from her dad, would see her, she glanced around the corner to see her younger brother staring at his plate of half eaten roast beef, his eyes solumn, her mom confident and proud looking, standing up with her left hand in the air, and finally, tears streaming down her fathers face. He was also standing. "She's going, and that's final!! You KNOW it's her dream to go there, and I won't have you standing in our daughters way because you're a chicken!!" Muro's mother yelled. "She's not going. I can't let my little girl leave me!" A small tear betrayed Muro, rolling down her cheek. She walked around the corner, and started at her dad, who didn't notice she was there. "Dad." she choked. Another tear. She whiped it away quickly, staring at her dad. "If you're talking about me going to that college, I've already made up my mind, I'm sorry." Her father came closer and hugged her. He was a big man, Muro had always defended him, saying that he just had big bones, but it was a bit chubby. "I just..." He released her. "Go to your room and pack up." She limped up the stairs.

cool ) Kagamii's breathing exelerated, so that it felt as though her lungs were going to explode. She pushed her aching legs to move faster, as the muscles rubbed past eachother, and it felt like they would rip apart through her flesh. Her right arm stung as the blood dripped, and she gripped it with her left hand, trying to cover it to stop the bleeding. "Get back here Kagamii!!" The enemy's voice echoed through the forest. some kind of rope wrapped around her leg and she tripped. "s**t!!" she yelled, crashing to the ground. The man pulled on the whip, turning her leg, breaking it. She heard a crack. "GAAAH!!" she yelled in pain. Her vision got blurry but she saw the man bleeding on the ground, as warm arms wrapped around her lifting her up off the ground, and felt breath on her neck as she got swallowed by the darkness.