Sephiroth sat there deep in the Shinra mansion thinking, about things of the past they where running throw his mind. He was starting to get weak in his mind as he fell into a dark depression. He all ways tried to fight back the past but at times it was overwhelming. Things of what the humans had done to him, how they used him and hurt him. played in his mind like a bad movie.
Jenova whispered deep in his mind, seeing a chance. "They are using you. They hate you, They don't care if you live are die." He moved his gloved hands to his head, holding it as he closed his eyes. He looked as if he was in some kind of unseen pain. "Stop it!! I am not going to let you take me again." She smiled, her voice sweet and soft, as she poured her poison into his mind. "My son, I love you why would I lie to you. I am the only one you have, the only one you can trust."
He hissed as he got up out of the chair. The chair falling down from the force of his movement. He shook his head as he held it, his silver bangs moving with him. "Lies!!! I will not believe you again!" Her well caressed the borders of his mind, like a mother comforting a child. "What I say is true, they did not care about you, when they beat you tell you could not move. Did they not call you names and look at you like you where a monster?"
He cried out, "Stop it!!" He moved stumbling over to the desk, as her words triggered memories. "Did they not use you for there every need? Did they not hold you down and take you for their sick pleasures, as you cried for them to stop?" He shook his head once more, as a few tears ran done his pale face. "That is in the past!!" She forced her will onto him hard seeing a brake in his mind. He could not take it any more, His mind snapped and slipped slowly into madness once more.
He cried out, as he opened his eyes. "Mother... Why? Why have they done this to me. Have I not been merciful, have I not been kind?" He moved his arm over the desk, making every thing on it fly off into the floor. He moved his gloved hand, focusing his power at the desk and it moved rolling across the floor braking. He picked up a chair and threw it, it hit the wall braking into pieces. His green eyes glowing more and more in his madness.
He fell to his knees, as he looked into his gloved hands. "They did this to me.." She whispered into his mind. "They all did this to you..." His long silver bangs hiding his face, "They lied to me..." She replied, "They all lied and deceived you my son." He put his arms around himself as he closed his eyes moving forward a little. He cried out a long and mournful cry.. He felt some thing hold him, "Mother!!!!!!!!!!!!......." She held him in his mind, "I am here, My son.. They deserved to pay!"
The more he ran Jenova's words thru his mind the deeper his madness became. He got up and called his Masamune to him, "My one true love." The sword wines, feeling it's master's pain, and desires blood. He moved his head up a little looking to the door. His green cat like eyes glowing from under his silver bangs. His face hidden in shadows, "They will die!!!" He smirked, "It is time to remind them, of what I am, and who I am. "He starts to disappear in a dark mist, only his eyes where left as he started to laugh coldly. "I will make them bleed, I will make them burn.." His eyes disappeared..
A dark mist started to form over the ground, as the dark life stream came up. It moved as it snaked it's way up, as it formed a dark figure. He walked forward out of the darkness. He looked around and he saw a village. The sun was setting, The sky was full of reds and oranges. The wind moved his long silver hair, his jacket moved away from him a little as he walked. Jenova in his mind, "Kill them! kill them all!"
The people were happy. Talking to each other, He walked into the village and every one stopped and looked at him. He lowered his head his eyes under his silver bangs. "You all make me sick..." He hissed, "I am the monster.. I am the darkness.. I am your fears.. You have forgotten this.." He moved his sword down, as he moved his right hand slowly out. The people looked at him in fear. A few ran to there homes, a few where to petrified to move.
The air started to spark, as a fire started behind him. It ran around the Village as the flames grew , trying to touch the vary sky. The village is trapped in a fiery circle. The people start to scream, and run. There cry's mixing with the sound, of the fiery hell they where now in. He closed his eyes enjoying the feel of their unanswered cry's, it was like a sweet song of pain In his ears. Jenova laughed deep in his mind, "They fear you, show them your hatred."
A man runs at him, in an attempt to stop this silver haired man's madness and cruelty. He saw the man in the corner of his eyes, pulling his sword in a sideways manner. Cutting the man, the man stopped in mid run. He pulls the blade up and around as it gives a sick sound. Blood covers the blade as it ran down it. The man collapses to his knees holding his belly, he tries to keep his entrails from falling out. But failed as they spill over onto the ground. The man falls over onto the ground in his own intestines and blood, while trying to gather his severed body.
He stands there with a sick smile of happiness. As he saw a woman running out of a house. He moves fast taking her up in his arms. She screams, "Please don't do this!! Please let me go.. God please!!" He hisses at her, as the fire started to consume the houses. The light of the fire castes a glow over his silver hair. "Shut up!! You sicken me you damn whore.."
He takes her over to a stake that was coming up out of the ground. He lifts her up, she screams.. as she was brutally slammed down onto the stake, where it punctured into her between her legs. It ran thru her body and bursts out the side of her neck. Blood sprayed in his face and hair. He licked his soft pale lips, as he smirked. Her face had a horrified look as blood ran out of her mouth and body.
He walks away as blood covers the middle of town. Then a man runs up behind him, and cuts him on his side. He looks around, The cut bleeds for only a moment before healing as fast as it had been made. "Look at what you have done to my jacket!!!!!!!" He moves his sword fast making the blade move around.He Cuts the man's head off. The body falls to the ground, as blood drains out of the headless corpse. The head rolls away, as he yells over the sounds around him, "You will remember who I am.." he stood there looking over his work. He was happy as he smirked, the fire gave his face an unholy glow.
He turns and walks away from the meddle of town. He walks into the flames, they slowly consume him as he walks. The dark life stream comes up around him, he vanishes into the night, as a cold laugh echoed in the darkness........
"why so serious...Let's put a smile on that face..."