Online dating on Gaia is utterly retarded if it's like eharmony whatever. But fo real at 18 you should be trying to get a guy irl, I view online dating for people in their 30's-50's maybe have had a divorce and are having trouble finding another partner.
re-read the topic and pay attention....... shes not just talking about gaia... and considering that she is a grown woman, she is free to date anyway she feels just like anyone else in the world... you dont always have to be middle aged to find love virtually... maybe you life is too hectic to find the time.... maybe everyone she has met has just not been her type... love is not something you can control.... its a devistating emotion more powerful than any other one you can come across....yes including fear... love has all emotions in it which make it so powerful and fear can be brought to the surface of virtual dating usually brought fourth by those who want to thwart it away as though its never going to be real. the fear of it not being real, the sorrow and sadness of never seeing them in your life, the happiness of the slight ignorance of the online dating.... people go about finding love in different and mysterious ways and since this emotion is as strong as im putting across, then it should be strong enough to withstand the embarassment of it being strictly on an online basis, the strain of it being so far apart from each other and the pastel colors of reality thrashing about on what should be real and what should be fake instead of the vibrant truth that love is love no matter how you put it. not saying that you opinion is completely wrong because no thought is wrong but you need to open your eyes wide enough to see that its a new era in the world. things move around like clockwork and so do the people in it... technology is beginning to consume our lives but in the mean time it is making people much happier... who are we to tell someone that virtual dating is wrong? that only true love is met in person....you should look at it like your trying to stop two people from falling in love on there own means just like they would fall in love in person. to restrict love and those who wish to share it with each other is building a wall of inprisonmest around a benevolently deserving heart and unfourtunately that wall is made of pixels. we need to tear down this wall and let them do what they wish... as the one above me said you reap what you sow and if the want to sow together something beautiful form afar... then let them.... you are no one to stop that and neither am i.
now to those of you who really dont like to be wrong on a subject and look for small spelling errors for an attempt to compensate with your loss, dont,,,, you'll just broaden my argument even more..... . . . . .
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a sisters love; priceless eek