well the reason will shock u if u dont wanna see ugly LEAVE NOW!! and flirty is not pertty!!!
ok here goes flirty cat is a hoe couz she ******** gurls boys and ha mama!!!!
this is flirty cat

this is ha mama

and dis is ha dada

now u might b wondering how they made such an ugly thing heres y
b4 flirty cat was born her mama raped a man named freaky thang
then flirty cat was born so sad then wen her dad took a look at her he almost died. he had a illness named the ugly. he wondered y should he waist his time raising an ugly child mmm so he killed hisself man yo dad is brave.
heres sum questions from da viewers 3
. y is dis funny flirty cat is my hommie
answer: its only 4 ppl who hate or usin flirty cat
.hahaha omfg this funny y r u killing me wid funny
answer: its funny
and finally y r u funny
answer: it comes 2 mah
if u r watchin dis flirty cat u ugly we all rnt perfect.... excpecially u
2 da other viewers thank u fo watcjin next subject y is flirty cat such a dumbass ty fo tunning in.