Powers (Have fun!)
Ability absorption
- The ability to steal another's ability, rendering them powerless
Ability augmentation
- The ability to augment other evolved human abilities
Ability replication
- The ability to replicate one ability at a time through physical contact
Accelerated probability
- The ability to predict the probability of a certain event correctly and accelerate one's self to achieve those predictions
Acid secretion
- The ability to generate highly corrosive fluids
Acidic blood
- The ability to have acidic blood
Activation and deactivation
- The ability to activate and deactivate various objects
Adoptive muscle memory
- The ability to replicate any physical action after seeing it performed
Age shifting
- The ability to change one's own age
Age transferal
- The ability to transfer the aging and life force to and from an object and make the user younger or older
- The ability to change the molecular composition of any material to gold
Animal control
- The ability to control and communicate with animals
Appearance alteration
- The ability to change the skin, hair, and vocal cords of another person
Aura absorption
- The ability to see auras and take the lives and powers of others
Bliss and horror
- The ability to bring about feelings of bliss and horror in others
Body insertion
- The ability to insert a person into someone else's body
Bone spike protrusion
- The ability to create bone spikes that protrude from one's body
Chlorine gas exudation
- The ability to exhale chlorine gas instead of carbon dioxide
- The ability to perceive the history of an object by touching it
- The ability to see distant people and things
- The ability to cause things to disappear and reappear
- The ability to replicate oneself and produce identical clones
- The ability to mimic the attributes of a constricting snake, including squeezing extra-tightly with one's body, numbing with one's touch and gender neutrality
- The ability to crumple and deform objects
Danger sensing
- The ability to sense danger
- The ability to remove the water contained in objects or people by force of will
- The ability to disintegrate objects without physical contact
Disintegration touch
- The ability to disintegrate objects just from touching them
Dream manipulation
- The ability to manipulate the dreams of others
- The ability to to stretch, deform, expand, and contract one's body
Electric manipulation
- The ability to create and direct electrical arcs
Electrical absorption
- The ability to absorb and subsequently release electrical energy
Electronic communication
- The ability to intercept, generate, and interpret electronic, digital, and radio transmissions with one's mind
Empathic manipulation
- The ability to control emotions
Empathic mimicry
- The ability to duplicate the powers of other evolved humans within proximity and reproduce them at will when thinking about the original source of the power
- The ability to feel the emotions, thoughts, hopes, desires, and dreams of others
Energy absorption, transference, and redirection
- The ability to absorb, transfer, and redirect energy
Enhanced hearing
- The ability to hear sounds beyond normal limits
Enhanced memory
- The ability to quickly absorb and accurately retain great amounts of information
Enhanced strength
- The ability to exert greater than normal physical force
Enhanced synesthesia
- The ability to see sound waves as light and project concussive blasts
Fire breathing
- The ability to breathe out fire
- The ability to propel oneself through the air
- The ability to create and manipulate forcefields
- The ability to reduce temperatures and freeze objects by force of will
Gold mimicry
- The ability to turn one's body into gold
- The ability to turn things into sand
Gravitational manipulation
- The ability to create gravitational vacuums
Green energy blast
- The ability to discharge a green-colored emission
- The ability to heal the wounds of others
Healing touch
- The ability to control the flow of life
Heat generation
- The ability to heat things
- The ability to alter the perceptions of others
Impenetrable skin
- The ability of one's skin to not be penetrated by anything
- The ability to mentally imprint marks onto surfaces
Induced radioactivity
- The ability to manipulate the movement of subatomic particles, thus generating and emitting toxic radiation
Intuitive aptitude
- The ability to analyze complex systems and intuitively understand how they work without special education or training
- The ability to not be seen
Laser emission
- The ability to generate a beam of coherent light
- The ability to levitate and move extremely heavy objects
Lie detection
- The ability to detect when others lie
- The ability to emit light from one's body
Lung adaptation
- The ability to adapt one's lungs to any environment
- The ability to manipulate ferrous objects and materials
Mass manipulation
- The ability to manipulate mass, growing or shrinking at will
- The ability to view the spirits of the deceased
- The ability to melt solid materials
Memory manipulation
- The ability to make an individual re-experience forgotten or past memories and to erase memories
Mental manipulation
- The ability to manipulate others' minds, causing them to lose memories or be prevented from using mental powers
Metal mimicry
- The ability to transmute one's own body into metal
Microwave emission
- The ability to emit rays of microwaves from one's hands
Nerve gas emission
- The ability to emit nerve gas when sweating
Nerve manipulation
- The ability to manipulate the nerves of others
Neurocognitive deficit
- The ability to shut down the upper brain functions of surrounding individuals
Oil secretion
- The ability to secrete oil from one's hands
- The ability to automatically understand all verbal and non-verbal communication
- The ability to force others to obey one's spoken commands
- The ability to pass through solid objects at will
Phoenix mimicry
- The ability to possess traits remenicent of a phoenix, including reincarnation, flight, and pyrokinesis
Plant growth
- The ability to accelerate plant growth
Plant manipulation
- The ability to mimic and create plants and other vegetation
Poison emission
- The ability to harm or kill people in the immediate area by emitting a deadly poison
- The ability to accurately predict future events through paintings
Precognitive dreaming
- The ability to see the future through dreams
Primal rage
- The ability to induce an uncontrollable rage in others
Puppet master
- The ability to control the motor functions of people and objects
- The ability to see someone's past and future by touching them
- The ability to create and control fire using the power of the mind
Rapid cell regeneration
- The ability to heal wounds quickly without any scarring
- The ability to lull victims into a sedated state
Seismic burst
- The ability to repel objects away from one's self
Shape shifting
- The ability to shift one's physical characteristics
- The ability to shatter objects without physical contact
Sound absorption
- The ability to absorb and nullify sound waves
Sound manipulation
- The ability to manipulate sound waves using one's voice
Space-time manipulation
- The ability to alter the space-time continuum, including slowing down, speeding up, reversing, stopping, moving backwards and forwards through time, and moving instantaneously through space
Spider mimicry
- The ability to turn one's body into a spider-like creature
Spontaneous combustion
- The ability to cause things to catch fire
Super speed
- The ability to move at a higher rate than normal
- The ability to emit a red-colored beam of energy which can be used for a multitude of effects
- The ability to control and manipulate technology with the mind
- The ability to move objects with the min
- The ability to mentally control functions of the brain
- The ability to instantly move between two locations
Telescopic vision
- The ability to see clearly in darkness and magnify vision to various levels
Temporal rewind
- The ability to rewind time
- The ability to control geologic materials such as dirt and rocks
- The ability to take away pain from one individual and force it onto another
Underwater breathing
- The ability to breathe underwater
Wall crawling
- The ability to crawl up walls effortlessly
Water mimicry
- The ability to mimic water
Weather control
- The ability to control the weather
- Character sprouts a set of wings and fly
![]() Marissa Night Community Member ![]() |