Techna Color
❝Honor is honesty to what is, not blind duty to what you wish to be.❞

█ ★ » Anemone Muroslava
█ ★ » Nemo
█ ★ » Female
█ ★ » Straight
█ ★ » Nineteen
█ ★ » Protector
█ ★ » Leader
█ ★ » 5'3
█ ★ » 119
█ ✔ ⊰ Honest
█ ✔ ⊰ Adroit
█ ✔ ⊰ Poised
█ ✘ ⊰ Blunt
█ ✘ ⊰ Solitary
█ ✘ ⊰ Illiterate
Anemone was born 19 years ago. This is the only true fact she knows about herself. Two years ago, she woke up in some kind of make-shift hospital, completely alone and with no memories. The medic she spoke with upon waking, and who ended up taking the young amnesiac back to her own home, returned to Anemone a slim silver bracelet with the word 'anemone' on it. The medic had to read the word and tell her what it meant. She's not even entirely sure it was actually meant to be a name, but it was as good a name as anything else.
Over the course of a few months, Melody, the medic, set out to learn everything she could about her new ward and house guest, mostly be bringing the girl with her almost everywhere she went. Anemone was grateful for this because even though no memories returned, she was still learning her way about, learning what was acceptable behavior and what was not, and how people reacted to everything around them. It was an interesting experience for her, and she enjoyed watching what she assumed were some of the higher class women of their world. In the end, it was easy for her to learn those precise, elegant mannerisms and make them her own.
She had given some thought to possibly learning the medical trade from Melody and in that endeavor, borrowed a few of her friend's books on medicine. It was while she was flipping through the pages that Anemone realized she couldn't understand a word of it. How she could speak their English language and not read or write it was terrifying and embarrassing, especially at 16, so she simply returned the books and didn't say another word about it to Melody, becoming noticeably more quiet and reserved after the discovery.
Over the course of those first few months and after the discovery that she couldn't read or write, Anemone put in even more time trying to discover just what it was she could do. As it turned out, she didn't have far to look.
She and Melody were in the clinic late, attending to those handful of patients that could not afford medical treatment and that Melody hand picked to treat for free. They had just locked the doors to the building and were turning to leave when two large shadows pulled apart from the darkness of the building and dragged the two women into the nearest alley not even half a block down. For a moment, all Anemone could feel was that kind of blank, chest pressing paralysis as she was dragged away.
It was the sight of Melody's pale face etched with terror that seemed to jerk the younger woman out of her stupor. Without consciously even being aware of how she was doing it, she broke free of her own captor and pummeled him. It felt natural to move through the air with arms and legs, spinning and kicking and punching, until he was down and his partner merely stared at her in shock. He shoved Melody to the ground and took off, and Anemone let him, too shocked herself to bother chasing after him as her friend stared at her.
What she didn't know was that this thug was one of the lower ranked "lackeys" of Williams himself and was on his way to report the very incident to the boss man himself.
Anemone did know that Melody, over the course of that next week, tried her best to keep her fear and uncertainty to herself. So she did the best she could to keep the hurt at that lack of trust to herself, as well. Eventually though, she left. It was simpler that way, and maybe better for Melody as well. She found herself on the streets, slowly working her way through the street gangs and earning a reputation for herself that she didn't particular care for, and a nickname she cared naught for either. After a while, tired of being approached and hounded, she chose a last name: Muroslava, the same name as one of the larger crime kings in the area. It was a name that gave other's pause, made them think twice about fighting her, just on the off chance that she really was part of that family. She wasn't, of course, but no one else besides perhaps the Muroslava's themselves knew that. It, plus that dangerous reputation, earned her enough peace that she decided to take her skills commercial.
During that time, though, Williams had been watching her. One night, she was forced into a limo that held him and a few guards of his own. He told her things of her past, small but proven true through paperwork. He offered her a trade. He would find her information on her past if she were to help him in a certain endeavor. She would train and lead his own task force in an espionage mission to bring down his largest rival.
She would even become his legal daughter, though that information would not be publicized until the mission was a success of course.
This is how she wound up as a bodyguard for the Lore's. Why she was chosen as leader, she's not quite sure, though she works her butt off to keep the position and lead the group she was assigned. At 19, she is young, and she's very much aware of that fact. It just makes her work all the harder.
- Honesty, even if it's blunt, is the best way to go when dealing with her.
- She is fond of music
- Dislikes being put in a position that highlights her inability to read or write
- In general, has no use for lazy, useless people.
- A bit on the naive side of things and tends to believe and trust people.
- Fully believes in 'Innocent until proven guilty'
- She will be meeting her "siblings" for the first time when the job starts.