To my Beloved mare whom I miss every day justice will be served. On a grim day of July 05th 2011 my lovely Arabian Mare passed away due to poison. Some one rudely gave her a plant called Oleander witch is very toxic to horses. It's been a hard death for myself and the new owner who always wanted her. When I gave in and gave my horse to the new owner I never new she would pass away so quickly. The person responsible still walks this earth and will some day be punished for what she has done I will not name any names but I do want them to know that I am back in the saddle and your choice to kill my horse will not stop me from loving another for what ever reasons you did this you will have to answer to God in this matter as for me forgiveness took a long time because I'm not the one who is judging you in your end.
As for my horse she will be always missed by those who rode her.
RIP Sonya De Farwa Arabian Mare 33yrs old.