I just want to be an ice statue. Unable to feel anything again. Wont that make life so much easier?
Daealsia · Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 07:01pm · 0 Comments |
 This looks like a guy I happen to like. Although...this guy is a little more attractive ^^
Daealsia · Sat Jun 16, 2007 @ 09:07pm · 0 Comments |
Masochist's Fire.
Burn my soul Down to the bone I'm never alone! Follow me into this room This room of tears Made of fears. where blasphamous cries, are all i hear! Huddled in the corner crying out river near enough to drown out the fire. But my worst fear comes to life, as the fire continues to Burn. Instead of water i cry oil. Made from all this toil. This foolish relationship Dear lover lit the match and the fire did snatch this kindle of poor sap. But how long can it last? Pained emotion windows showing out But never in. This is where it all begins. This is where it all ends. So simply so simply Just like the fire Came to life then died so shall you so shall me. let as elude no further. I ******** hate you. or rather what you make me feel. So why do i continue why continue beign your fudder? simple You've broken this soul with your heat you've torn down me to the bone. and i enjoy every second of it.
Daealsia · Thu Mar 29, 2007 @ 12:19am · 1 Comments |
love sky
Dah dah dah dum. Dah dah dah Dum. Dah dah dah dum. Dah Dum Dah dum dah Dum dah dum dum dum dum dum DUM DUM DUM DUM
Flying up in the sky so HIGH!!! Feeling like a purple kite!! Being led by a string. Hoping to be stroked by lightning!!!
Dah Dah Dah Dumm!!!
I don't know what happend then. Was it rainin' or snowin'? Am I here or there I am not quite aware
Of what's happening! I swore i felt a kiss on my lips. and it was total bliss. Felt like i was hit by a blitz.
OH What fun I have with you. I never want to leave you one of the sky my love.
Dah dah dah dum. Dah dah dah Dum. Dah dah dah dum. Dah Dum Dah dum dah Dum dah dum dum dum dum dum DUM DUM DUM DUM
Daealsia · Sun Mar 18, 2007 @ 12:36am · 1 Comments |
The sword in heart stabs the soul. Look up and all shall perish as the sun burns right through you.
YOU are Dead! Lost soul inside this world You Are nothing but a shade Ment to decompose in this valley.
Rise from the earth and search For those responsible for the condition your in. Death of many You shall be
YOU are Dead! Lost soul inside this world You Are nothing but a shade Ment to decompose in this valley
Nothing can stop a spector You are The new Thanatos This is your hymn the doctorine you shall follow for all of enternity.
The sword in heart stabs the soul. Look up and all shall perish as the sun burns right through you.
Daealsia · Thu Mar 15, 2007 @ 08:34pm · 0 Comments |
Sun Rises in the east Moon Rises in the west. North is the dusk, South is the dawn. Twilight surrounds us. In It's glorious splender. Feeling our hearts with completeness.
The world turns and sun sets The World turns and moon Sets But there is always a twilight. Dusk and Dawn, forever chasing Moon and Sun.
This is a song. A song of the chase That keeps us all in motion Just like our emotions.
Sun Rises in the east Moon Rises in the west. North is the dusk, South is the dawn. Twilight surrounds us. In It's glorious splender. Feeling our hearts with completeness.
Pitch Black. Bright White. All the colors in between. Dusk and Dawn and twilight between.
This is all a dream.
Daealsia · Thu Mar 15, 2007 @ 05:44am · 0 Comments |
Up, Down, and Beyond
The Sun goes up, The moon goes down. The Earth just spins around. circulating motions are all we know, For ever a circle of passing events. And even though we know it doesn't help, We go round Birds fly up, Worms crawled down, Yet we just stand around. Not mentioning what's inside as we try to hide, But never shall we succeed, For these are the trees from the seeds we've sowed. These are troubles we have to reap. So stop that bickering and harvest until the end! The Rain falls down, As the sky stays high. Maybe we should learn to fly. Learn to not let things pull us down. Maye we should try this. Try to not let things get us down. Maybe we should just do it. Just spred our wings and fly on by Past the troubles of others, Past the drama of every day society Past the pain of which we all share. Past the mortal fetters that bind us here! After all... When you are so far down, all there is is up. Right?
Daealsia · Wed Mar 14, 2007 @ 04:17am · 0 Comments |
Butterfly Rose.
Butterflies are racing down, Like a blurry of rain. All I can see are the pollen's, of roses. That I gave to you, long ago.
Aiy yia aiy. Petals in the wind. aiy yai aiy. How it all could have been. aiy yai aiy. If all I had was you. I would be free.
I do not know how long it's been, since the last time i saw your smiling face. Every night i dream, only of your smiling face!
Aiy yai aiy If only I could fly! Aiy yai aiy If we could just meet in the sky! Aiy yai aiy Then I could just die in your arms...Tonight!
Butterflies are racing down, Like a blurry of rain. All I can see are the pollen's, of roses. That I gave to you, long ago.
The fight between the buttflies and roses, ensue the world as we know it. will my butterfly, find their way home to me?!
Aiy yia aiy. Petals in the wind. aiy yai aiy. How it all could have been. aiy yai aiy. If all I had was you. I would be free.
Aiy yai aiy If only I could fly! Aiy yai aiy If we could just meet in the sky! Aiy yai aiy Then I could just die in your arms...Tonight!
Buttefly, come home to me.
Daealsia · Tue Mar 13, 2007 @ 06:40am · 0 Comments |