Seriously, how can you NOT click on an ad next to THIS masterpiece?
The movie has a very simple premise; Scott Pilgrim is a nerdy, socially awkward 22-year-old who is still recovering from a breakup he had about a year earlier and is stuck in dead-end relationships with hot, underage Asian school girls in Catholic School uniforms. (Note: Not a joke, it seriously happens) But one day, Scott dreams of a girl other than his ex, Envy, and is entranced by her once he incidentally runs into her again on a date with his jailbait girlfriend. Finally, fate intervenes and he eventually gets together with the girl from his dreams, Ramona Flowers, but there is one slight problem: she is followed by a league of evil ex's that he must defeat in order to date her.

Sure she's cute, but you are trading down from ASIAN SCHOOL GIRL. Get your priorities straight.
The movie is based off of the graphic novel of the same name, which I have not read but I assume follows the story in a similar way. It borrows from the comics as well in it's art style, from the wacky fight animations are reminiscent of the old live-action Batman show with "Whack!" and "Bam!" flying around whenever hits connect, as well as using panels from the novel as flashbacks. The special effects in the movie are really good, from the points appearing whenever Scott does something right, coins flying out whenever he defeats an evil ex, or even with the "Pow" and such and how it reacts even to the events occurring in the scene, which help create a really fun "video-game-plot meets real-life" story. There are a few video game references here and there, but it never feels to invasive or attempts to break the fourth wall. In a way, it reminds me of Viewtiful Joe, a normal dude who has to save his girlfriend from movie villains by using his new-found superpowers. Never heard of it? Shame on you.

Even during fight scenes, jokes are abound.
But in the whole scheme of things, will you like it? If you like video games to some degree (and if you are on this site, chances are you do), then the whole movie will be a blast for you. The fight scenes are extremely well choreographed and you can see everything, the story is fun and never takes itself too seriously, and it's never boring. It's a fun watch and a must-see for this summer. I give it 8 Asian schoo- I mean, 8 stars out of 10.

Hint for what might be next, or did I just want school girls? Yes.
If you want to read more about the original graphic novel, click here.
You can see a trailer of the movie here.
Viewtiful Joe. Just watch this.
For information about the game spin-off, click here.