you'd think were the happiest family ever just me mom and dad, well i did too until that dark dark night. we were driving home from a good ol'e county fair . i looked like i was about to pass out at any second thats when i heard mom and dad startig to raise their voices."oh no" i thought their argueing again. just then dad let go of the wheel he didnt notice until too late . then nothing. just nothing. i didnt hear , smell ,feel ,or taste anything in that momment. but that was 3 years ago. when i woke up bright light's and the sound of doctors surounded me. then i asked that one question you see in movies "where am i?". a nurse walked up to me and said "kiarah , sweetie , how ya feeling?" " no, no i cant be here ""wheres my mom, dad WHERE ARE MY PARENT?!?!!?" OK KIARAH YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN. "your wakeing up from a coma . u know from the acci---" "coma what coma?" . i tell you later i dont want to upset you anywayshe said."well are you hungry ?" "starving i said". hmmm as soon as she leaves i am out i thought then boom i get off of the bed ripping wires off of me. i ran to the closet ."yes" i whispered clothes.let me tell ya its not easy for a tweleve year old to leave a hospital by themself without one person saying hey kid are you lost? GET THIS THROUGHT YOUR HEAD PEOPLE I M TWLEVE (TA -WA-EL-VE) im not a litle kid. anyway as soon as i exit the front doors i run,run to all the way to my block .i get to my house and realize wait! i dont have keys . hold on a minuet under the mat .yes! i get inside and close the door behind me. i place the keys ina little bowl "hello? "i yell ."mom dad ....where are you?''. then mom appears , appears out of no where "woah mom you scared me i said " but she didnt turn around she just kept walking. "mom?" "mom can you hear me?" by the time she got to the kitchen im practically yelling her name . i follow her in to the kichten. thats when she dissapeared , she was gone.in that momment i realised no one has been in the house for three years . at first i thought some on robbed us because all of the furniture was gone. until i found out the door was open the whole time . and on the door was a notice from the police it said
every thing has been taken in for evidence .why would they need evidence i thought!!!!! i was so confused so i went to a corner sat there and cried and cried and cried.