Life of a Flying Avocado |
I am an Avocado. And I can fly. So watcha gonna do bout that? Huh? HUH?! |
Community Member
Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 @ 09:28pm
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 @ 04:59am
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Community Member
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 @ 03:51am
NOOOO!!! I've been banned from the computer for the rest of my miserable life! ((Don't ask how I got on.)) On the way back from Reno, Victor kept hitting me so I finally hit him back. Then we got into a huge fistfight. You know how parents are supposed to stop their kids from fighting? My parents kept yelling, "Fight! Fight!" in chinese. Retards. Anyway. So finally my dad said that if we don't stop fighting on the count of three, we'll lose money. So right when he said, "Three.", Victor punched me. I had a bruise on my eye for the next few days and what felt like a half-broken nose. So I sorta lost it and nearly scratched his arm off. Well, duh, he almost blinded me for the second time. ((The first time was when we were about 7 or 8 and he stabbed my eye with his plastic sword. That was probably as painful as the time my parents slammed the car door on my finger, the car trunk on my head, dropped me on my head and needed an operation, or the time I ran into the speakers while trying to kill Victor's friend, requiring 14 stitches.))
So my punishment: No Internet for the rest of my life And loosing $400, in other words, all the money I've ever earned.
And Victor's: Loosing $100, all the money he's ever earned.
Victor always used up his money the moment he got it cuz he was scared that they would be taken away. Now that's one smart thing he did. I was saving up to make a bank account though. My parents promised me that. They said I had to pay for my own car and college. They aren't gonna help me at all. Maybe I'll just drop out of high school when I get there or something.
I hate them.
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 @ 05:29am
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Community Member
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 @ 06:51pm
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 @ 12:11am
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Community Member
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 @ 05:00am