Calm DelightWelcome and nice to meet you. =)
I'm glad you stopped by (because that means you are interested in my art)! Just call me Ling. wink
I like to draw, yes. But I don't like to draw all the time. So that's why I'm making this little
"art booth" in my journal. :3
I will accept requests when I feel like drawing. As for payment,
I only take tips. So there is some freedom on your part. I don't want to hear "Your work is priced to high!" Or "You don't need to sell them this low!" (Not that I hear that a lot or anything...) You decide, but don't be cheap; judge honestly.Avatar RegulationsI won't draw cluttered avatars. If you are cluttered and I pick you, expect to have some items missing when I draw you.
No mecha or half naked Gaians. If you are having trouble deciding if your avatar is drawing material, then ask me before you place an order.
No groups or couples, either -- unless you request it with a big tip.Art Booth Rules1.) No OCs
2.) No tips under 2k.
3.) Send the trade to me right after PMing the Request Form. (If I don't accept, I will cancel the trade.) If you do not send trade afterward, your request will be ignored.
4.) Please enable PMs because that is how you'll get your art!
{I will add more rules as I see fit.}Examples{1}{2}{3}-With PenFinally, the Request Form! Request Form:[align=center][color=cornflowerblue][u][size=16][color=darkblue]I would like to request art, please![/color][/size][/u]
[b]Name that I can call you by[/b]:
[b]Username of Avatar[/b]:
[b]Reference (Preferably a Tektek)[/b]:
[b]Pen or Pencil?[/b]:
[b]Anything else?[/b]:[/color][/align]