I'm currently taking commissions for Avi Art, I gotta get gold somehow for all them items I want~ I am offering Full Body, Couple and Chibi pictures so read on if you're interested.
SAMPLES:: Click them bad keys~
Single, Full body::



Full body (15k = 15,000 Gold)
A full body, coloured version of your avatar with a basic background.
Couple (30k = 30,000 Gold)
A full body, coloured version of both requested avatars interacting with a basic background.
Multiple (15,000 gold x number of requested avis) wahmbulance Limt of 3 avatars, please. 8.5"x11" papers are only so big :c wahmbulance
Basically the same as Couple but with more avatars. A full body, coloured version of all requested avatars interacting with a basic background.
Chibi (5k = 5,000 Gold)
A cute full body chibi of your avatar but no background.

I thought it was about time I added this section...
Q: Can I have a certain mood to the picture?
A: Sure, I'd welcome your thoughts. It'd save me loads of time while coming up with a pose and background.
Q: I'd like a specific background for my picture, can you do it?
A: Uh, sure. Just give me some reference and I'll see what I can do since I colour with a mouse. However, I'll have to charge an extra 1k.
Q: I see you've started colouring my picture but I found this super special awesome item that goes amazingly well with my avi! Can you add it in, please??
A: Augh, no. This is really annoying. Couldn't you tell me when I was sketching your drawing... or before I even got started? To check your status, click on my profile and look under my 'Status List'. If your order is 'no started yet' or in 'sketching': Please tell me ASAP, I'll be forgiving.
Q: I'd like to change the avi I've showed you but you seemed to be working on my order already. Can I change my order?
A: Again with changing... Please, no. Unless, your order hasn't been started yet or I'm sketching it. Please tell me ASAP.
Q: What's taking so long? I wants my art NOW~!
A: Geez, do you have any patience whatsoever? Your commissioned piece could take a while due to other customers, complexity of your avatar or my work schedule/school. Sketching and inking doesn't take too long. It's the colouring stage that takes forever. So relax, have fun. I won't forget if you've PM'd me or left a note on my profile. Jus' remember, I don't sit in front of the computer everyday/all day as much as I'd like to. I have a life... somehow.
Q: Thanks for the picture~! Could I use it in my profile?
A: Yeah, sure. Jus' don't claim it as yours or anything like that...
Q: I've recently gotten hacked and cannot pay for my order, can I have it for free?
A: What? No. No freebies.
Q: What do you use to make your art?
A: Well, I traditionally sketch my pieces with pencil, ink it to my satisfaction and scan it onto my 'puter. I clean it up digitally and colour my pieces in openCanvas 1.1
Q: As payment, would you accept items instead of gold?
A: Depends. I'd much prefer gold but if you're offering me an item I'm questing or of equal value to your pieces final price than we can figure something out.
Q: I'm looking for bust pictures/headshots but you aren't offering them. What's up with that?
A: Well, I haven't been asked for those. That's about it... However, if you're truly determined for those then we can discuss a price if you like.
Q: Your prices are WAY too high. Bring them down please?
A: I can choose my own prices, thanks. These suit me just fine.