This past seven days has been the most interesting I've had in a really long time. And when I say a really long time, I mean a REALLY, REALLY LONG TIME.
Whell, for starters, there's this dude, that I think I like. I'm not positive, but I think so. This past Friday, he figured out that I like him, and he says he likes me back, but I'm not positive I believe him. Why? Well, lesseeeeee, he's not exactly the most ideal guy in the universe, if you catch my drift, and me thinks he may be a little desperate for a girlfriend. Which is why I'm not jumping at the chance to go out with him.
On top of that, I'm currently on vacation in Phoenix AZ. It's the most beautiful city I've ever been too (next to Colorado Springs and Denver), and I'm SOOOO tired. I feel horrible b/c I'm here with my family and I just can't seem to get enough sleep. It might have something to do with the time change. And the weather's so weird, so I'm breaking out all over my face. And I haven't taken a shower in almost three days now. And I forgot my deodorant so I have to use my mom's, and I hate her De-O. So, I wanna take a shower, but everone here wants to leave, so I have to put that on hold too.
Why am I typing this instead of being in the shower?
I don't know...
I hope by the time I get back my face clears up so I won't look too terrible for this dude that I think I like... whee
Reddwing · Fri Feb 23, 2007 @ 06:13pm · 0 Comments |