Agh! I haven't been on much lately! I've been busy on Fanfiction and Fictionpress...agh! So behind. This is a list mainly for me so I can remember what I need to do:
1. FIX THE SCREEN (Daddy needs to approve
2. Edit layout. WAY outdated
3. Remove anime quotes
4. Replace Hated/Fav pairs
5. Replace all anime/manga lists at top with updates
6. Think of the forgotten tasks...
7. Change siggy!!
View User's Journal
Welcome to my journal! I have alot of thoughts about things. If I say something in here you don't like, you can argue it, but don't be rude or call names. If you do argue, please be civil. Just state your opinion/side and I'll look it over. I am very random and fun to be with. If I mention anime couples you think are "noob couples", leave it. I don't think there are such things. What these couples are, are called "Opinions"! lol.

WARNING:: I am not accountable for ANY IQ points lost in ANY chats that I am involved with.I am NOT on drugs...
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Intoxicating Remembrances
Community Member |

WARNING:: I am not accountable for ANY IQ points lost in ANY chats that I am involved with.I am NOT on drugs...