(My most silly one, but yet it has a very deep plot). Out of all my ideas this was originally the worst, but i built a world plot, world and deep back stories from nothing more than stick figures...i impressed myself with this one so i think about it alot.) Finaly decided the name World Breakers which is and action comedy, with underlying thriller and romantic theme.
Promo- In a world where one man known as the "World Breaker!" did as his title intended and caused the world to turn into the "age of killers". A once happy world with love and friendship was turned upside down. Are story starts 60 years after the age began and the world is now hero-less. But a strange turn of fate lands the number 1 ranked killer sam the yokle man and a loser Sain gawymo on a one way ticket to their destiny on hunter island, the killers tv show. All they need to do is get too the top of the island to be free again. But of course it wont be that easy. "ow yeh this stage is Forest of the monkey cosplay sam". "....Why is it called that". "Those monkeys waring army uniforms over their might know lets go ask them". Sam glares at Sain. Will Sain find out his purpose and get off his lazy a**? Will Sams reason for giving himself up to the police be told? and who are these other guys following them?
I NEED TO DO EDITING BUT HERES THE RUFF of 80% of the first chapter.
The first thing you must know is this. The world once was a beautiful place full of friendship and love until the day the "world breaker" arrived. A painter from a small quiet town relised he had enough of his meaningless life. He tricked good people to fight one another until they were weak enough to be wiped out by the evil of the world. Therefore the *age of killers* was born a hero-less world of fear and pain. But I guess this will explain the horrors of this world. It starts with a young boy aged 8 years old, black hair which spikes down like a bees antenna . This pure hearted boy sits strapped to a chair i'n an empty room with only the glow of the moon lighting the darkness. The boys expression is nothing but burning pain and sadness, he's been i'n the chair for days now. He spots a pencil resting on the table and the excitement whispers on his lips. He slips his thin skinny wrist out of the strap and picks up the pencil. He slowly places the tip on the desk and begins to draw. *crack* the pencil fall from his hand and he let's out a painful cry. His wrist had snapped like a twig. The boy was sick, or that's what the doctors said "brittle bone syndrome, just a very rare case". The boy cried i'n pain. Suddenly the door Lit up like a beam. The door crashed open, and a shadowy figure growled i'n the doorway. "I told you not to move brat, I told you not to move you stupid child" The man straps him i'n, this time tight enough to cause pain to the child. "why did god punish us with a son like you" said the man. He had similar hair to the boy but had a jagged moustache and very creepy aged features. The man turned to leave, but stops by the doorway and says in a calm voice "you will never...amount to anything but a cripple". And he swiftly left.
The boy awoke with his mother her pale and tired looking features darted about i'n panic as she put the boys arm i'n a sling. "Ezmerl is here to see you, please don't do anything stupid your father was very angry this morning". His mother finshed the sling and began to leave, but turned around to
edged forward to kiss his forehead but she changed her mind and left like a ghost. In the doorway stood a beautiful 8 year old girl with massive green eyes and brown curls. Her smile defrosted the boys fear. The boy smiled. This was the only time he was truly happy, being with his only friend, he couldn't go to school but she told him about it, the stories of the outside world mesmerised him. Every second was devoured by the child. Ezmerl held his hand "When I grow up I want to be a member of the World police because their trying to stop the age of killers a hard as they can and I think I could make a great difference". "That's my dream ... What's your dream when you grow up". The child puffed up his chest to show a great triumph "I'll be able to run anywhere and see all the things you talk about" his eyes took a glance at the wheel chair i'n his room. Ezmerl giggled "come on ... You have to have a bigger dream than that, when you can run what job do you want". The child took a deep breath and yelled "I WANT To Be A Super hero who flys around helping the World police by beating all the bad guys". They both burst out laughing. She hugged him "so it's agreed we will both do these" she gripped him tighter "please never change".
4 years passed and the child was met by her once a week. The child waited for her, idolising her existence. He had nothing else. He sat waiting for her on usual day dressed all smart but she didn't come. Maybe she got really busy the child told himself maybe next week. So he waited, and waited. The weeks turned to months. He sat alone unable to move or live i'n the dark little room for 4month waiting for Ezmerl to return. Tears streamed down the Childs face, he couldn't take it anymore he wanted to run he wanted to find her, he wanted to live a normal life. He slipped his arm out of the straps and dropped to the floor. Painfully he crawled to the wheelchair. He quickly snuck past his arguing parents. Silently turned the door knob and wheeled as fast as he could out of the house. "I'll show them ill run right now and show the world what I can do". His beating heart wheeled himself to a sandy park, it looked desolate. He pulled himself onto his feet; shuddering under his weight. He put one leg forward And began to run a smile burst over his face "haha I'm doing it I'm running i'n this beautiful world outside". His eyes focused on the surroundings and he gasped. It was barren, the houses were torn as if battles had raged though the streets. Some houses lay i'n rubble. Their were no kids running and dancing like Ezmerls stories or beautiful gardens as far as the eye could see. She was lying to him making up tales to brighten up reality. The Childs leg snapped and he fell into the dirt scrapping his arms and legs "aaarhh NNNNoooo this isn't how it supposed to happen, I want to live" tears began stream down his faces as he began dragging himself with his arms. His fingers crumbled under the strain. He lay their crying, alone, unable to move, his dream gone. All that was left was the huge shadow who stood in front of him.
The childs parents wore black clothes as they lowered the coffin down their eyes giving off and evil glow. Being undertaker cost them nothing for funerals and the mother being a coroner they sorted it out pretty fast. Ezmerl tear filled eyes dropped a flower onto the coffin; she found it alone, only one she had seen i'n years. "I'm so sorry, I...I will make sure I achieve my dream for you". "I'll be the best god dam police officer their ever was".
Sain woke up wiping his eyes, "realy got to stop drinking toilet cleaner when I run outa juice have the weirdest dreams ever, had and inner monologue and everything". He closed his eyes again. Suddenly he felt a hand slap across his face like cold steel. "oy what are you doing" Sain tried to focus his eyes. His friend Pain stood infront of him frowning and arms folded "beating some sense into your lazy a**, get up, you need to stop lying their". Sain looked towards the tv " no my favourite show is on". Pain looked at the tv and growled "that's a blank screen your cable got canceled 2weeks ago and not sure what youve been watching" Sain looked closer "oh yeh". Pain opened his fridge "empty when was last time you went to the store" a nervous tone whispered out. "um when was the last time you took me". Pain sighed "I know it hurts Sain but it's been 2 years since we lost sasha and I thought you would of moved on I've tried everything, I thought old man M had you up and running again when you got that job but you got worse". He hadn't relised but Sain had been glaring at him since he mention Sasha. "I guess I need more food so we will go to mister yongs And pick up some food" Sain said glumly. They walked down to the car par "Sain where's your car"? Sain looked up " ran outa change for the bus so i sold it". Pain stood still trying to work that puzzle out then pointed to the lamborgini "we will use mine". They zoomed to the store. "nice ride how did you pay for this Pain"? "I'm working for the president as an agent remember, it's payed extremely high". A large sign saying destiny mart lay brandishing it's red neon lights above their heads so they both entered. "I'm gonna check the frozen veg I'm dieing for some corn" said Sain in a overexcited manner. Pain moved over to mister yong. "ah my favourite customers Sain gawymo and Pain uzzimaki I got lots of special sauce for you guys if you feel like a gamble". "sorry mister yong...this aint a pleasure trip" Pain pulled a gun from his sleeve and pointed to mister yongs chest. Sain spun round and saw pain fire a shot into mr yong knocking him to the ground. "pain WHAT the hell"?? "Sain hold this for me, I'll phone an ambulance" tossing the gun into his hands. "bbut why what just happened" Suddenly sirens started blaring outside. "Sain go out and get the ambulance guys i'n here while I check the rear back room for medical supplies. " Sain i'n shock walked outside into three men pointing guns at him "put the gun down and turn around with your hands behind your back". Sain did that exactly. The jail doors slammed behind him "attempted murder going to set you back 5 years your lucky the guy survived". "pain why did you? why am I here?" grumbled Sain. "you have two choices one you serve your sentence which, let me tell you will be a life sentence since some higher ups have their eye on you or you can sign this form for Hunter island you being this years wild card". "I'll take my chances with this 5 year sentence, I know that show it's extremely dangerous I'm a big fan". He calmy replied "oh but pain uzzimaki will be on the convention booth up top". Sain looked angrily towards the voice coming from the jail bars "where do I sign". "quickly this is the last helicopter make sure they all got parachutes". "Take the bags off their heads we need them to see their opponents and have a little chat usually make them have a good explosive start". The bag lifted off Sain head. He saw the door helicopter door lock tight. "Roger time for take off, initiating auto pilot take off". Sain looked around to see a fire emergency box reading break i'n emergency and axe was in it? He also noticed there were 3 other men sitting with him. one sat beside him was dressed like a farmer with pullover on, a straw hat which hid his face as he looked at the ground. Across from him sat a cloaked figure with beady red eyes staring out, and a massive body builder with a tight t shirt saying meat take on it. The man with the straw hat looked him, his handsome features appeared, the man had black hair with two tendrils like bee antenna drooping down. *He seems familiar, second thought no* he pondered. The man with the straw was staring at him "S...kid wanna join forces and work together". Sain's eyes widened "Sure maybe I'll get somewhere now". The straw hat man looked across to the body builder and smiled. "oy dress up cowboy what are you looking at". Shouted the man exploiting the taunt. Anger shot through the straw hat mans face his eyes darted down to a stray bolt beside him and pinged it so that it whacked the man i'n the forehead. The man growled and struggle with his retrains as a clear mark was left by the bolt. "I'm borrok base you know the man with 10thousand bounty a little coyboy stands no chance". Straw hat man mutter" only 10thousand" then loud " let's go kid we will see". "Ding dong, we are above Hunter island now, we will be dropping are altitude and opening the door also releasing your straps on by one". "do not try fighting on the helicopter it's set to self destruct if you do, everyone will be issued with their gear and rule bot on arrival". Please enjoy your stay and happy hunting! Was then repeated 3 times. The door screamed open and the straw hat man was released "sumo hurry up I'll be waiting" he dived into the air outside. There was a click and borrok was release "seriously the idiot has no weapons and I snuck this capsule i'n" showing the blue orb. He jumped outside, he clicked the capsule showing a 500kg weights. He screamed down at the straw hat man "first time ever *gravitational 500kilo hammer* the weight shift sent him shooting straight too straw hat who spun round and punched the weight with a yell. Both of them crashed into the ground below causing a massive crater. Meanwhile Sain and the hooded figure were slowly droping with their parachutes flying broadly.
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