If you have any questions that arn't here just ask and i'll address it as soon as possible.
。♛。► What should I offer you?
Whatever you want. But if you want to get picked as soon as possible then a lot.
Head shot sample you would get picked instantly if you 8 mil or more.
Bust up Samplesample sample 15+ mil or more.
Waist up Sample 20+ mil or more.
Hip up 30+ mil or more Sample and
Knee up 40+ mil or more Sample
Full body would have to be around 50+ mil or something. It all depends on how detailed and intricate your character is. The more artistic freedom you give me, especially with a good base character, then its okay if you offer less. Other wise these are the base prices.
。♛。► Why is your art so expensive?!?
I don't need it. I don't need gold at all... really. I want to have a contest later on to draw my OC's so it will probably go towards that but honestly I hate drawing for fake money. Plus, I put a lot of work and effort into my work and to get something thats basically worthless in return... well yeah. It would take a lot, and cool character for me to decide to draw it. It actually helps a lot more if you have an interesting character.
。♛。► What kind of characters do you like?
I like a well thought out color scheme on characters. I like it when you figured out the race and age and they may be different then the usual. Like an ethically mixed character 'african with asian features', different ages other then teens or early 20s, crack whores... just something different. A well thought out character, the outfit reflects who they are. Like if your character is an amazon warrior with huge titties and has no armor. I'm not drawing it. If your character is an amazon warrior with her breasts burnt off, interesting armor, scars, tattoos, aged... then yeah I might draw that character. I like cyborgs, gore, and cute pastels... I'm not so good at medieval stuff but I've never drawn it so I dunno. Usually people come to me with the character no one wants to draw. An older character, a character with more details in the face, ethnic characters, characters they don't want looking 'clean'. I also like well color coordinated characters.
。♛。► What Information should I give you?
Just basic details. I don't really need to know the whole history... I mean if you character has had a hard life and you want it to show in their face, just say so. You don't need to e-mail me their life story. Picture references are best. Photos of what you want your character to look like, photo examples of clothing, hair, you get the idea. If your character has had a hard life, but doesn't look it, there it no point in telling me. Obviously if the background of your character doesn't effect how it looks, then just skip it. Like 'My elf character is 32489329384 years old but looks 12' just tell me it looks 12. The sooner I get through the description the sooner I can get to drawing it.
。♛。► I don't have any gold!! What do I do?!
REAL MONEY or bump.
。♛。► How much do I have to bump to get a freebie?
If you bump regularly for like a week or so pretty much expect something soon.
。♛。► I want your art but its so expensive do you draw anything cheaper?
I may open up chibi slots... but theres are so many chibi artists I feel it would be redundant unless a lot of people want one.
。♛。► Can we collab?
Maybe. I like coloring. So you would have to be a line artist... or if your a REALLY AMAZING ARTIST, who for some strange reasons wants to collab with me, we can take turns on working on something...or something.
。♛。►How do I approach you if I have a problem or suggestion with a drawing your doing for me?
JUST SAY SO. Seriously. I try my best on the art I do, there has been many times where I was almost done with a commission, hated it, and did it over from scratch.
Example,Before After- So seriously if I'm getting to far away from what you thought in your minds eye just tell me. I send progress sketches from start to finish. DO NOT LET ME KEEP DRAWING SOMETHING YOU DON'T LIKE. Seriously, just n** it in the butt as soon as possible.
。♛。► How much 'artistic freedom' do you take?
Avatars from gaia, usually a lot. I don't like my drawings being instantly pegged as 'oh thats from gaia!' I like them to look more like illustrations? I guess... Like if your character has a lot of weird things going on, Examples->

I don't care how much you offer I'm not drawing it. I'm just not. I don't care if you offer me 12 halos, I refuse. So much crap, everything is all over the place. If it looks like this, sorry I'm not drawing it.
I don't care for halos unless your character is ethereal but if its just slapped on I'm going to want to get rid of it because it will look silly. Don't care for slippers unless it goes with the outfit, like pajamas, or something casual. Pets cost extra. I like matching, well thought out avatars that make sense or have some kind of color scheme going on.

If I don't see it on your avatar I'm not drawing it so its better off being simple, making some kind of sense and have a good strong theme, whether in color or subject or better yet, both.
* most avatars were just taken from tektek shops.
If its your OC I usually take none. Its your character, I'm not ********' with it.